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Hi everyone :)

Just thought I'd introduce myself as I will be starting this plan on Monday - cliche I know but I am moving house this week and have a friend's birthday so I think it's best to start afresh when things have settled down...

I have done nearly every diet under the sun - I have tried to count calories every day or go low carb but restricting myself every day isn't realistic. I think I can definitely fit in 2 days of fasting a week into my life.

Plan is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays and weigh in on either Mondays when I start or Fridays after my second fast, I'm not sure which is best what do you think? And I am going to try and not gorge myself on the other days and ruin it is freezing now but summer is on its way and I want to lose a stone!

My aim is to lose a pound a week - if I do that I will reach my goal by the end of May. I also want to tone up and generally become fitter. It should become easier to control what I eat when I move out - living at mum's is like being in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory!

Hope I can make a few pals here, think I'm gonna need 'em! 8-)
Hello :)

It doesn't really matter what day of the week you choose to weigh, the main thing is to keep it to the same day every week, so you get consistant readings.
It's ok to change your fast days if you make plans, for example going out with friends for a drink or meal on a fast day, just change your day. It's really flexible like that.
I'd recommend measuring your waist too with a tape measure. Some weeks you might not lose weight, but your body can change shape. And there is a tracker on here you can store your data and see it in graph form, can record both weight and waist measurements.
And good luck. :)
Hello and welcome,

Very good advice above from Roxy - she says it all really. I am into my third week, fasting alongside my husband, on Mondays & Thursdays. We weigh in on Sunday mornings so that our fast days don't give us a false impression of our weight loss. However, Monday mornings should work well for you.

It's good that you have set yourself a sensible weight loss target of a pound a week. I find that it is also important to mentally prepare yourself for the weeks in which you don't loose any weight, or as much as you hoped to, and definitely don't weigh more than once a week!

I hope your move and your new WOE(way of eating)goes well and please keep us posted on your progress. Don't forget to use the Progress Tracker on this site for recording your achievements. There is something very satisfying in watching the line on a graph heading steadily down!

Good luck!
Hi ya
I started my fast day yesturday and i live to tell the tail ! LOL
I did'nt even feel hungary this morning that is unheard of for me !
I to am looking to lose weight in a sensible fashion as i don't want it to take over my life as other diets have, and then made me feel resentful and fed up.
I have a real good feeling about this one nd am really positive.
I am fasting Tuesday and Thursday and weigh on Monday ...i think thats gonna be ok ??
Good luck and enjoy
Good luck to both of you, Roxy and foggy, in your search for a 'forever' WOE. I am hopeful that this will give me an end to yo-yo dieting and counting calories for months and years!
I'm looking forward to the fasts but also to a fresh start and healthier eating in general. Don't know how after all my different diets but my head is 'in the zone' and ready to go! Bring on Monday!
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