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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Oh dear, my sympathies. It is a bugger of a virus and yes, it can recur. I've had several bouts of it. I found Stemetil (an anti nausea drug) helped greatly. Other than that, all you can do is not make any sudden movement, especially involving bending forward or turning your head. Hope it clears soon.
Odaijini, spanner-san! Get well soon.
I just tried to find the video that shows the exercise to do on your bed for this but couldn't find the one I have used before. The illness is also called "rocks in your head". I would get extremely dizzy when I moved my head backwards or stood up to quickly. When I finally went to the doctor he walked me thru the motions (works best if someone holds your head while you rotate) and it worked like a charm.
Hello all
Thanks for all the lovely messages. Feeling much better but sadly the fasting took a bit of a backseat....
Only managed one fast last week and gave up at lunchtime today. Too much boredom snacking has given me a taste for carbs and I was driving myself crazy this lunchtime.
Anyway have done some self slapping with the wet fish and now hopefully will get back on the horse. :like:
Happy fasting and good health to all :heart:
I've had this, and it was the most terrible illness I had (caused, the doc thinks as a leftover from food poisoning). The reason it was so bad is because it is such an 'invisible' illness. I'd just started a new job and didn't want to make an impression as an 'ill' person, and family and friends couldn't understand what I was going through so there was no point in me keep complaining, so I just tried to get on with it, although I still live in fear of it coming back.


It went away just as suddenly as it came on. How? I used to long for the weekends to have a drink, because at least alcohol made me feel less anxious about the dizziness and justified the wobblyness a bit. But after a significant skinful one night, my partner and I had a very lively session in the bedroom. I woke up the next morning (yes, a little hungover), but the dizziness and room spins had gone! Turns out the little crystals in the inner ear that cause the condition are no match for bedroom acrobatics.

Give that a go? :heart:
coincidences can happen you know, but don't let that stop you from giving the idea a go :wink:!
Yep me too and several times, very nasty little bug. Take care honey {{{+}}}
Obviously hanging my head off the end of the bed did the same job. Not arf as much fun though. :oops:
But I couldn't even bare to have a sip of alcohol.
Haha!! You are a naughty lot!!
Hubby away with work sadly but might get a relapse this weekend!!! :wink:
Ooohhhh I've had that too, was really poorly for about eight weeks. It was undiagnosed until after it had cleared on its own if I remember rightly. Very scary. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better Spanner and have a nice weekend
I have similar 'dizzy' episodes - but it's due to menieres disease. For me a dizzy episode is quite mild, even thou it can last for over a week! It does interfere with your life as I don't feel safe driving & concentrating is really hard. It also makes me really tired - (probably from trying so hard to concentrate). I have had episodes where I can't move at all without vomiting, but thankfully they are rare. Some people have frequent episodes where they just drop to the ground. I've only had that once, when I was on a ski trip, so was probably due to altitude.

The only thing that works for me is sleep and waiting for it to pass!
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