The FastDay Forum

Monthly Weigh-Ins

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July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 11:15
Here are the results from the July weigh-in:

The total loss from the 84 people (oh dear, we're getting fewer people each weigh-in...are you losing interest?) who posted their results is 172kg !!
The total reduction in waist size from the 63 people who posted results is 152 cm !

Among the women, the biggest loser in weight was @Alexandra who lost 6.5kg :star:
while @pist1958 was the biggest loser waist-wise, losing a massive 12 cm :star:
For the men, the biggest loser was @GolfinGoldy who lost 4.4kg :star:
and waist-wise @GolfinGoldy (again) and @allfrogs who each lost 3.8 cm :star:
Congrats all. :like:

The average loss overall was 2.14kg or 0.428kg /week ; the median loss was 2kg (n=84)
For women the average loss was 2.01kg or 0.402kg /week(n=78)
The average loss for men was 2.15kg or 0.43kg /week (n=6)

So for women the average weight loss was a bit down this week at a little under 1 lb per week
while the men lose a little bit more (but there are so few men in the database, these stats are a unreliable :confused:)

The excel spreadsheet can be found here.

Next weigh in will be August 3rd
I've had a volunteer to run the weigh-in (thanks @wildmissus) but she will need help from a moderator to make the thread an announcement...
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 12:54
Thank you Caroline for collating all the stats again :heart: and congratulations to everyone for great results! :like:
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 14:07
This was my first month submitting stats...what was your highest number of people contributing?

I'm here for the long haul!
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 14:19
Up until this month I thought you got the figures from the tracker so made sure I updated mine on the correct dates. this month I did post the info on the thread, I am either really stupid (probably) or others may have the same wrong understanding.
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 14:21
5:24evr? wrote: This was my first month submitting stats...what was your highest number of people contributing?

115 in May...
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 14:23
Oh and Thank you very much for the time given up to help us all, it is appreciated . Thank you also Wildmissus for stepping into the breach you are brave.
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 15:00
Thank you for doing this again Caroline :) You're fab.
It's all fascinating, and well done to all the losers! How brilliant we are!!
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 15:46
Thank you for this, Caroline. Don't be despondent about the lower number of responses. I think that there are a number of people who are now on maintenance, others on holiday, some may have been here for a few weeks/months and their weight loss has slowed down and they are reluctant to post, some may find it tricky to do so (I don't find it particularly easy myself)and some may have been too busy enjoying the sun!

Let's see how we go next month and well done wildmissus for taking on the task!
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 16:19
I stopped putting my results in because you don't seem to be counting us doing 4:3 and also, I prefer to weigh in on a Monday.
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 17:35
Thanks as always Caroline for running this :smile:. I didn't have a great month but hope to do better in July.

In terms of numbers submitting I wonder if it would help for the monthly weigh in notice to be more prominent on the home page? I don't know if it's just me but I often miss the 'weigh in open' thread when it first appears on the home page but I have been a member long enough to know when and where to look for it.
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 18:41
Yes, I am one of those who thought you got the info from the tracker. Is this not possible?

Also, am now on maintenance and the number of us doing this is probably growing, so our figures would probably skew the results.

All statistics very interesting, though.
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 18:49
Chris P wrote: I stopped putting my results in because you don't seem to be counting us doing 4:3 and also, I prefer to weigh in on a Monday.

The results were for all diet types, and the thread is open all no excuses!!!
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 19:41
Thank you Caroline :like: I've been at it 12weeks and like Nora thought you took results from tracker!! So I'm stupid also, always new date etc but that's as far as I went. Sorry :clover: but found out just in time for this month :heart: Sue
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 20:12
Drat, I missed it!I'll make a note for August but as I'll be in Sweden again I'm not sure I'll have access to a scale :(
Re: July weigh-in results!!!
09 Jul 2013, 22:48
Thanks Caroline ! My OH and I have posted every month since we started as it is our motivation to stay accountable and on task with this WOE. It is making a huge difference in how we feel not to mention the gradual weight loss which we both desperately needed. Thankyou for everything you do as we so appreciate you, Moogie and all the nice people on this forum :smile:
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