I'm another that has been on here a long time and has made friends in real life with my fasting pals. It was one of my pals who emailed me to let me know that the site could be closing down. I still track my weight every week but haven't had much time to participate in the forum at the moment due to my husband and I splitting up. Unfortunately life does get in the way at times. Moogie, your health must come first and whilst I am shocked at the prospect of losing the site you must look after yourself. Thank you for everything you have done for us over the years.
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This is an issue where a community, such as provided by this Forum, is immensely important, and it would be a shame for the Forum to die.
But I would need to know technical aspects of the website, how it is built/hosted, what the costs are, what administrative input is needed etc. I wonder if it would be possible to post some of this online so that we, the members, can work out if we can help or not?
It seems to me that the previous incarnation before it became 'FastDay' was perfectly functional, had weight tracking (very useful, shame to lose that), and I wonder if we could revert to that?
Ideally, any site like this should be maintained in a way that one person doesn't bear all the load.
- I have some web experience, and can provide hosting space free (if that is of any use)
- I can put some time into it
But I would need to know technical aspects of the website, how it is built/hosted, what the costs are, what administrative input is needed etc. I wonder if it would be possible to post some of this online so that we, the members, can work out if we can help or not?
It seems to me that the previous incarnation before it became 'FastDay' was perfectly functional, had weight tracking (very useful, shame to lose that), and I wonder if we could revert to that?
Ideally, any site like this should be maintained in a way that one person doesn't bear all the load.

@moogie - where are you - @iceskater needs your input !!!

Apologies, having a bad day healthwise after a very busy weekend. Intending to put together some details tomorrow if I'm up to it. Still waiting for cost details from the boss though. We have had several enquiries over the weekend so I'm hopeful the site will live on.
Reverting to the old site wouldn't serve much purpose and would result in a lot of data loss, as this updated version of the forum probably isn't totally compatible with that earlier version (so posts etc from after the change to FD would be lost) - besides which the latest version is more secure. The forum & tracker can exist without the main FD site if needed. The new tracker is a recode of the old tracker, so again no real reason to revert.
More tomorrow I hope, thanks for bearing with me,
Reverting to the old site wouldn't serve much purpose and would result in a lot of data loss, as this updated version of the forum probably isn't totally compatible with that earlier version (so posts etc from after the change to FD would be lost) - besides which the latest version is more secure. The forum & tracker can exist without the main FD site if needed. The new tracker is a recode of the old tracker, so again no real reason to revert.
More tomorrow I hope, thanks for bearing with me,

I for one would not like to revert to the old site, so I am glad there is no financial benefit in doing so.

A quick suggestion for those would like to make an immediate positive difference to keep this web site alive is to turn off your browser's ad blocker(*) for fastday.com.
Yes, this means you will once again see the advertisements that many were complaining about two years ago, but consider this:
1. All advertisers know that the success rate for advertising is rather poor but they are willing to do it as a cost of doing business.
2. A web sites bills must be paid to remain viable. Their income opportunities are frequently limited to a combination of sponsors and member fees.
3. Better that advertisers pay a web site for the opportunity to sell something than for a web site's members to pay a periodic maintenance/access fee to keep their favorite site alive and kicking.
So it comes down to this question: Whose money would you rather spend?
* = For example, to selectively disable Ad Blocker Plus: Click on the ABP stop sign icon in the lower right corner. Put a check mark next to "disable for forum.fastday.com". That's it. Other blockers likely offer a similar feature.
Yes, this means you will once again see the advertisements that many were complaining about two years ago, but consider this:
1. All advertisers know that the success rate for advertising is rather poor but they are willing to do it as a cost of doing business.
2. A web sites bills must be paid to remain viable. Their income opportunities are frequently limited to a combination of sponsors and member fees.
3. Better that advertisers pay a web site for the opportunity to sell something than for a web site's members to pay a periodic maintenance/access fee to keep their favorite site alive and kicking.
So it comes down to this question: Whose money would you rather spend?
* = For example, to selectively disable Ad Blocker Plus: Click on the ABP stop sign icon in the lower right corner. Put a check mark next to "disable for forum.fastday.com". That's it. Other blockers likely offer a similar feature.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday as hoped, was still fighting off a fatigue crash - doing a bit better today but am in my PJ's and heading back to the sofa ASAP, lol 
I have put some info together now which I will be sending on to all the interested parties. Apologies in advance that it is the same thing going out to everyone and not personalised, just trying to spare my brain a bit of effort
I'm very hopeful that at least one of the interested parties will take FD on and if not then in the worst case perhaps I can arrange some way to keep it running on my server (it is mostly self-maintaining these days afterall), if the company doesn't object to having bought it from me and then giving it back!

I have put some info together now which I will be sending on to all the interested parties. Apologies in advance that it is the same thing going out to everyone and not personalised, just trying to spare my brain a bit of effort

I'm very hopeful that at least one of the interested parties will take FD on and if not then in the worst case perhaps I can arrange some way to keep it running on my server (it is mostly self-maintaining these days afterall), if the company doesn't object to having bought it from me and then giving it back!

I haven't had a chance to read all the other responses, but I wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear about your continuing health problems, @Moogie. And to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for running this site for so many years. It's been a great source of information and support.
I wish I had the tech skills to take over. I also don't have money coming out of my ears (especially after just buying a flat in NYC), but I'd absolutely be willing to contribute to keep this place going if someone with the tech skills steps up...
I wish I had the tech skills to take over. I also don't have money coming out of my ears (especially after just buying a flat in NYC), but I'd absolutely be willing to contribute to keep this place going if someone with the tech skills steps up...

Moogie, I'm afraid that I'm not entirely familiar with the main purpose of this site. Is it mostly about weight loss or health & fitness as well?
To be honest with you - I found this site while researching marketing and learning about health products. I'm 30, but I have had issues with hypoglycemia since I was 19. I wanted to find the best information out there on what works and what doesn't. I was hoping I could help other people struggling with my health issues, but I haven't found any product out there worthy of discussion.
I'll keep researching and join many other forums in the meantime. I hope this is in the right topic discussion.
To be honest with you - I found this site while researching marketing and learning about health products. I'm 30, but I have had issues with hypoglycemia since I was 19. I wanted to find the best information out there on what works and what doesn't. I was hoping I could help other people struggling with my health issues, but I haven't found any product out there worthy of discussion.
I'll keep researching and join many other forums in the meantime. I hope this is in the right topic discussion.

Jessica Wright wrote: Moogie, I'm afraid that I'm not entirely familiar with the main purpose of this site. Is it mostly about weight loss or health & fitness as well?
To be honest with you - I found this site while researching marketing and learning about health products. I'm 30, but I have had issues with hypoglycemia since I was 19. I wanted to find the best information out there on what works and what doesn't. I was hoping I could help other people struggling with my health issues, but I haven't found any product out there worthy of discussion.
I'll keep researching and join many other forums in the meantime. I hope this is in the right topic discussion.
Hi @Jessica Wright This forum is not about general health and fitness. It's about specifically intermittent fasting methods for weight loss and health. It originally started to support the 5:2 diet out of the UK, but has evolved to support other forms of VERY SHORT TERM fasting. This is the documentary that started it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihhj_VSKiTs
There is a lot of information on the website if you would like to learn more. We generally don't talk about products on this forum.

Hi @moogiesorry to bombard you with probs when you already have enough on yr plate...and just realised i shd have put this in the any probs thread ( sorry!) My mate @nursebeanhas jsut got Back from Canada and is anxious to catch up here but whenever she logs in and submits the info,she' s just taken straight back to login..any advice for her?
I wish i cd wave a magic wand and make you well again,and then wave the wand for myself and other folk on here who have longterm health probs xx
I wish i cd wave a magic wand and make you well again,and then wave the wand for myself and other folk on here who have longterm health probs xx

Hi @CandiceMarie and thanks for ghe kind words. I too wish I coukd wave a wand and fix my chronicly ill friends and loved ones.
Sorry to hear nursebean us having difficulties. Has she cleared her cookies as per the 'logging in' announcement? That should sort it out for her.
Sorry to hear nursebean us having difficulties. Has she cleared her cookies as per the 'logging in' announcement? That should sort it out for her.

I think she has @moogie but will remind her just in case.have just remembered what worked for me ..you advised me to try loggingin thru the litte emblem up in the right hand corner,so will tell her to do that,coz it did the trick for me x

Tracieknits wrote: Hi @Jessica Wright This forum is not about general health and fitness. It's about specifically intermittent fasting methods for weight loss and health. It originally started to support the 5:2 diet out of the UK, but has evolved to support other forms of VERY SHORT TERM fasting. This is the documentary that started it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihhj_VSKiTs
There is a lot of information on the website if you would like to learn more. We generally don't talk about products on this forum.
Hello, @Tracieknits. I appreciate you taking your time to answer my confusion. Ok, now I have a better understanding of what this site is about except the video refuses to load for some reason. I'll have to check on another browser some other time.
I have actually tried a fasting method before and it worked for me, but I was wondering if there was an easier way, because low blood sugar and fasting are not very good friends. I have heard of people claiming to have either overcome Diabetes or neutralized it temporarily while eating only once every 16 hours. Or something along those lines. Sounds shady, but I don't know better, lol.
I could show you the site where I read the information on proper fasting, but I don't think it's allowed to post links to review sounding sites. At least, I think it's a review site, although it also has blog posts, which makes me wonder why they would do that.
Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Thanks.

Oh @moogie, so sorry to read the news. .....I haven't looked at the site for quite a few weeks (sorry to say I have been entirely side tracked by the US elections. ....).I can completely understand that your own health has to come first - even doing a small fraction of what you have done so far would be considered a huge effort by most people. I will keep checking in from now on to see if there's anything we are all called upon to do eg donations (I have no time and I am barely computer-literate). I do hope something can be done so that more and more people get convinced that this REALLY WORKS. I am now a steady 9st 8, by the way, and everyone I know has finally noticed. .....
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