Following up on this topic:
The following users have been selected to receive a free trial kit from the kind folks at ActiDerm, in a bid to see if their product helps reduce loose skin following weight loss.
Would you all please send me a message with your contact name, address & phone number so I can pass the details on to ActiDerm. Also please confirm that you have watched the video in the above thread so you know what you're doing with the wraps!
Thank you
Sorry to those who weren't selected. It wasn't easy having to choose between you but I've tried to select those whose situation seems most suited to using the product - from what I've been told by them and by the manufacturer.
The following users have been selected to receive a free trial kit from the kind folks at ActiDerm, in a bid to see if their product helps reduce loose skin following weight loss.
- Ballerina
- Swedey
- Mrs Bod
- brook123lyn
- JennyH10
Would you all please send me a message with your contact name, address & phone number so I can pass the details on to ActiDerm. Also please confirm that you have watched the video in the above thread so you know what you're doing with the wraps!
Thank you
Sorry to those who weren't selected. It wasn't easy having to choose between you but I've tried to select those whose situation seems most suited to using the product - from what I've been told by them and by the manufacturer.