The FastDay Forum

Not losing weight?

Help us to help you! Please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!
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Hi all

I was weighing 107 on Sep 2014.. I joined gym n started my diet..everything went on well.. I lost 20 kgs and my weight is 87 kg on march 2015

From march 2015 to til now (Sep 2015) I didn't reduce any kgs..I'm in diet n hitting gym regularly but I'm unable to reduce kgs now..

After I lost 20 kgs, I changed my gym n trainer due to some issues.. but after changing to new gym n new trainer I didn't drop any kgs til now

I attend zumba class on 2 days, 3 days strengthening exercises and one day cardio.. my trainer used to tease me lik I m not reducing any kgs.. he thinks I eat much.. but I don't eat much.. I have cheat day weekly twice

I want to reduce more 15 kgs .pls do tell me where I'm making mistakes..I do workouts for 2 hrs where I use 5 n 7.5 kgs for biceps and 10kg bar for squat, deadlift etc

I work hard a lot but not reducing. Pls help me
Exercise does not do much for weight loss. You have to cut calories. Since you weigh so much less the intake that caused weight loss when you were heavy is now maintenance. To lose more you'll probably have to cut back more on nonfasting days.

If that doesn't work, you might have to celebrate the tremendous improvement you have already made and not obsess too much about the goal. Just maintaining a loss the size you achieved for a couple years is a huge achievement. Most people don't.

If you cut too many calories shooting for the dream goal you may actually make it harder to maintain. I learned that the hard way.
I agree with peebles advice. We can lose weight quickly in the early days, the last part of the journey is slow, slow and that's fine (my exercise is walking). I was impatient ... but learnt to be the patient through the combined experience of forum members. :clover:
You also don't say what your current BMI is; it seems that as the BMI gets lower (how low depends on the person, their genetics, dieting history....all sorts of factors), the body is less willing to "let go" of what WE deem "excess weight." That is, more than just fashion and personal preference influences just how thin you can get...and maintain. And what's the point of losing weight you can't keep off? Haven't we all been there, done that? :razz:
What method of intermittent fasting do you adopt.. 5:2, 4:3, 16:8, 19:5 or other?
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