The FastDay Forum

Not losing weight?

Help us to help you! Please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!
Remember, we're not here to judge, we're here to help.

3 posts Page 1 of 1
not lost weight
28 Jan 2013, 20:55
Hi just started have had four fast day not lost weight maybe doing to much of a feast day
Re: not lost weight
28 Jan 2013, 22:03
Hi Kaz, just so you know I moved your post to its own topic as the other one was for members to vote on a forum issue :)

Welcome! Sorry to hear you've not lost any weight so far, perhaps if you tell us a bit more about your situation we can offer some tips?

Do you have much weight to lose? How are you splitting your fast day cals? Are you eating as normal on feed days (and if so, roughly how many cals)? Are you weighing at the same time of day, same day of the week?
Re: not lost weight
29 Jan 2013, 08:58
Hmmm, with 4 fast days you should lose weight, that will have cut your weekly calories by a lot.

Do you count and weigh everything? Do you know how many calories you are having on non fast days?

Also exercise..... although it's very diffictult (almost impossible I believe) to actually build new muscle when you are eating at a calorie defecit, sore muscles can hang on to water a lot and water retention can have a big impact on the scales.

Have you taken measurements at all?
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