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More contraversy today about that Catyalyst program that surveys reveal "three out of four doctors on two weeks later on November 21 had patients who had stopped taking the drugs or considered ceasing them.". ... 6773658412

and ... 2xjmg.html

Original post

DONT FORGET TONIGHT 31ST OCTOBER 8pm is the 2nd part of last week's series on heart disease per this thread resources-links-f3/australian-tv-program-catalyst-cholesterol-t9118.html

this one focuses on the drug industry

Last week's transcript if you missed other threads
I finally watched the first part, very interesting. Will definitely watch part two. Thanks Juliana.
I noticed in The Weekend Conversation an article by David Richmond Sullivan: Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney: It's not even debatable, saturated fat is bad for you. Lots of careers sunk and businesses threatened if the theory presented by Catalyst is proved right. I'm not very open minded about it. I don't believe in the low fat theory and don't confuse me with facts!
Sallyo wrote: I noticed in The Weekend Conversation an article by David Richmond Sullivan: Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney: It's not even debatable, saturated fat is bad for you. Lots of careers sunk and businesses threatened if the theory presented by Catalyst is proved right. I'm not very open minded about it. I don't believe in the low fat theory and don't confuse me with facts!

Lots of careers sunk and businesses threatened if the theory presented by Catalyst is proved right.

that's for sure.
Thanks for the reminder I will be watching with interest

Thinking I was doing the right thing I took to the pritiken diet and increased my carbs and lowered my fats when I first got married. Thanks to 5:2 I have only just got back to the weight I was as a young adult 30 years ago. Always felt I was carting around 12kg too much and have never been able to shift it until now. All the dietary info I followed I thought was the healthiest way to go.

Never took to margarine though grey stuff dyed yellow someone told me once ... That was enough for me. Also have had a bad vibe about statins too. My cholesterol has never been high as I do have a high plant based diet and low transfats. So good to hear about a program that raises the issue of inflammatory response and disses sugar. Am also grateful to pretty much get off wheat carbs as has to be major gut disease issue and inflammatory. Off the soapbox now :)
Been out and about all day and all i kept hearing about the ABC under fire for this week's program. means everyone will watch

they think people will stop taking their medication and possibly be at risk and I think they tried to stop it airing

was on "The Business" tv program tonight and found a news media release about it ... statin-and

Richard Glover on Drive today also had an interview about it but i cant see any transcript on their website.

thoughts on this new controversy?

is it just the Drug companies at risk.?
I'd be interested in the 900,000 thousand people in the studies that the Prof referred to and which ones they are; quoting big numbers alone isn't helpful, especially if they are from old, discredited studies. I have never been comfortable taking statins and never felt that I was in a big risk category. I shall ask the dr next time I see her about the effectiveness over a certain age.
I believe that there is a statistical link between saturated fat and red meat and heart disease from the reding of some studies, but the rest I am doubting. Thursday's programme will be interesting viewing and hopefully will stimulate some debate in the medical profession.
I heard the Richard Glover interview. It's always controversial to go against what has been considered the right advice for many years. But if we never question then we never learn new things. Should be an interesting show on Thursday.
Wineoclock wrote: I heard the Richard Glover interview. It's always controversial to go against what has been considered the right advice for many years. But if we never question then we never learn new things. Should be an interesting show on Thursday.

i love your signature with the Christmas club member number.. what a great suggestion for all 103 members

im gonna do it too!
Worth reading Dr Malcolm Kendrick's blog, author of "The great Cholesterol Con" in 2008, for more info about statins and cholesterol. There has been a BMJ article by an enlightened cardiologist in the UK this week, linked to in the blog. Lots of statin bashing in previous articles, especially their uselessness for healthy women...
CreakyPete wrote: Worth reading Dr Malcolm Kendrick's blog, author of "The great Cholesterol Con" in 2008, for more info about statins and cholesterol. There has been a BMJ article by an enlightened cardiologist in the UK this week, linked to in the blog. Lots of statin bashing in previous articles, especially their uselessness for healthy women...

I agree with you completely Pete, Dr Kendrick's book should be compulsory reading for everyone. My own cholesterol levels are high but my G.P. Is happy that this a genetic thing with me, anyway having seen my husband be almost crippled by statins there is NO WAY I would ever take them. I understand that for healthy women over the age of 50 there is absolutely no point in taking them as there no health benefit whatsoever.

Ballerina, x :heart:
CreakyPete wrote: Worth reading Dr Malcolm Kendrick's blog, author of "The great Cholesterol Con" in 2008, for more info about statins and cholesterol. There has been a BMJ article by an enlightened cardiologist in the UK this week, linked to in the blog. Lots of statin bashing in previous articles, especially their uselessness for healthy women...

Do you have good links CreakyPete for what you mention?
Dont forget if you are in Australia

Catalyst program. the heart of the matter - Cholesterol drug war

this is the Youtube promo for part 2

for those that missed it part 1 is here and

the forum thread is resources-links-f3/australian-tv-program-catalyst-cholesterol-t9118.html
Reading the transcript. Stuff I already know/read about/researched but it's information SO many doctors just don't know. This information is priceless!
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