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9 posts Page 1 of 1
02 Nov 2013, 00:33
Hi - I'm new & not sure how all this forum thing works, so hope I'm doing this the right way. I tried messaging but that's asking for a signature tag which I don't understand either. I must be totally dim or not nearly techie enough & I thought that this shouldn't be too hard to do.
I started the 5:2 diet here in Oz in March this year after seeing Michael Mosely on Horizon. I'm a type 2 diabetic (non insulin dependent) & 5'10" tall & had gotten to 101.5kgs. My eyesight was being affected & glucose levels were over 9 in my Hb1AC test which is very bad. My doctor told me if I wanted to see 60 I had to do something. I am 53. I have found this diet or rather way of life fantastic. I now weight 66.5 kgs (my goal is 65kg) & I have reversed the diabetes with my latest Hb1AC test being 4.2. Normal is 4-6. My doctor is thrilled too & has told me to stop loosing weight!!!! Something that I have never had to do before. I feel fantastic & have so much energy. The only problem is I am experiencing hair thinning & wonder if anyone else is or has?
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 01:18
What a fantastic HbA1C result, no wonder your doctor is pleased!
I've been doing 5:2 since March, and have been losing loads of hair in the last month, but I think it is down to an attack of psoriasis and eczema, rather than just 5:2 side-effects.
Have you searched for hair loss in the box under the strawberries at the top of this page? The first answers are general Google ones, but if you scroll down, you see the results from this forum.
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 01:47
Welcome Fiona, Isorry I'm not sure about the hair loss but I just had to sat Congratulations and WOW!!!! What an incredible weight loss 40 KGS in 8 months- that must be a record. You must be so proud of yourself :-). Here's to your good health and longevity. :drink: Cheers, Julianna
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 09:05
I, too, would like to congratulate you Fiona. That is an amazing weight loss and just wonderful that you sorted your diabetes out as well. Was the doctor interested in the Fast Diet, or make any comments about it? I just wonder what the general consensus is among doctors with regard to this diet. Well, we all know it works don't we! :wink:
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 09:14
I have a relative called Fiona Bullen so your post rather threw me but as you already know, you are you and not her so welcome anyway. You are doing well. Hair loss? Mmmm.....I have lost a lot of the brown stuff (O.K. grey stuff dyed brown, picky or what?) since I hit the menopause and it does seem to have got worse in recent months. Not sure if it is result of weight loss but a lot of us are now using coconut oil once a week prior to shampooing in the hope that it helps.@Azurebluehas been using it now for 6 months and feels that it has made a big difference so she might be along in a bit to give you some extra tips and encouragement. Good luck and keep posting, we love to hear how everyone is doing,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 09:18
A massive well done for your weight loss, reversal of diabetes and ultimately extended life span. With regards to signature, it's user control panel, then profile, then signature. Type in what you want to say. Then you're off. While you are at it why not make your progress tracker visible, as it's a very inspirational thing for others who are starting out or struggling to see.
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 09:25
Congratulations Fiona. :heart:
Well done that's fantastic news :heart: :
I've just completed my 6 months
and unfortunatly/worryingly
Thinning hair has become my only side effect for me, I first noticed about 8 weeks ago, I'm now trying coconut oil.
(see thread on here for details )
Most people who know me say my hair is ok + yes it is NOW but i know how much i'm losing each day + I'm thinking of seeing my doctor before it starts to be a visible/obvious thing for all to see :shock:
However i did state on that thread i'de go wig shopping before regaining the 3stone/19kg i've lost because i'm not even
half-way there yet. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 09:54
Ballerina wrote: I have a relative called Fiona Bullen so your post rather threw me but as you already know, you are you and not her so welcome anyway. You are doing well. Hair loss? Mmmm.....I have lost a lot of the brown stuff (O.K. grey stuff dyed brown, picky or what?) since I hit the menopause and it does seem to have got worse in recent months. Not sure if it is result of weight loss but a lot of us are now using coconut oil once a week prior to shampooing in the hope that it helps.@Azurebluehas been using it now for 6 months and feels that it has made a big difference so she might be along in a bit to give you some extra tips and encouragement. Good luck and keep posting, we love to hear how everyone is doing,

Ballerina x :heart:

This is how I use coconut oil on my hair, and it's stopped falling out, is soft and strong now.
I sit a jam jar in a bowl and pour hot water round the jar to melt the oil to liquid, only takes 5 minutes. I find 3 teaspoons in the old jam jar works well.
I then pour some of the (hot) liquid into my cupped palm and rub it on to my hair, repeat around the head until all hair is coated. Pop a shower cap over the lot and sit and read round the forum for an hour and a half, then go wash it all off with Palmers coconut shampoo. Don't use conditioner.
I do this on a Tuesday morning then wash my hair again on Saturday with the coconut shampoo and then I also use their conditioner. I have long frizzy hair.
Works a treat, smells lovely, gets admiring comments. It's all good. :0)
Re: Hi
02 Nov 2013, 11:20
Hi @fionabullen. You have done fantasically well but I have to ask. Are you at all related to the Bullens from the Bullens Lion Safari that was at Warragamba? :grin:
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