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John Romaniello' blog has a really good "summary" of our way of life

part 1 : ... sting-101/

part 2 : ... sting-201/

part 1 wrap up text..

Wrapping Up:

The most important thing to remember about Intermittent Fasting is that it isn’t a “diet” —it’s a way of eating, a nutritional lifestyle that will allow you to reach your goals in an efficient and convenient manner, and then hold onto your physique one you achieve them.

Of While IF isn’t for everyone, nor is it a perfect plan, it’s certainly an effective way to lose weight.

In addition to the hormonal benefits inherent in the practice, you’ll also feel more satisfied with your food, feel hungry less often, and probably save some money on food!

Moreover, you may live longer…if, you know, you’re into that.

So, even if you never try IF, you can at least appreciate that it’s forced the industry at large to re-evaluate the “truths” we tend to cling to.

Perhaps it’s for this reason that Intermittent Fasting seems to be generally received with appreciation and acceptance, while low carb diets, Paleo eating and the “Twinkie diet” all have people on both sides of the line either praising or lambasting them.

That is, Intermittent Fasting is well received once people see the research—and there’s a simple reason for that: it works.
- See more at: ... 5cLwW.dpuf
Thanks for posting this. I had not heard of him before. Seeing as I have not lost anything for over a month now on 4:3 and 16:8, I'm going to try and go 24 hours with nothing, which is one of the methods reviewed. As I have already eaten my fast day calorie allowance for today, I will not eat anything now until tomorrow lunchtime, which will only be a few hours later than I would normally break my fast.
rawkaren wrote: Thanks for posting this. I had not heard of him before. Seeing as I have not lost anything for over a month now on 4:3 and 16:8, I'm going to try and go 24 hours with nothing, which is one of the methods reviewed. As I have already eaten my fast day calorie allowance for today, I will not eat anything now until tomorrow lunchtime, which will only be a few hours later than I would normally break my fast.

24 hours sounds like a lot but is doable. Tell us how you go. Maybe its a tip for the Christmas club to speed things up.

as long as we keep hydrated i guess its safe
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