The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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07 Nov 2013, 14:04
Ok, so this week i have not managed a fast day, although i have tried, but have just been too distracted. I have tried to be careful, but the odd glass of wine has been drunk :doh:

OH is VERY depressed at the mo, he's in between medication for his RA and his work is not good at the mo, lots of changes and we are waiting for the redundancy axe to fall - i bet it will happen just before Christmas!! :cry:
Not a lot of sleep is being had by either of us and his appetite has all but vanished - whereas mine.........well... i would not be writing this if I could fast! :razz:

Anyway, i stayed the same last week and i'm just keeping my fingers crossed that i can do the same this week. :crossed:

Hoping to get back on the fasting wagon next week........i only have a few lbs to go, but i WILL get there :snail:

anyway, i'll be weighing in Sat am and checking into the Christmas Club - fingers crossed!!!
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 14:08
Fingers crossed for you Lulabella. Its a stressful time for you so not easy to fast when you have so much on your mind. Hope it all works out ok for you. :clover: Maybe the stress you are dealing with will counteract the lack of fasting lol. You can but hope but dont be so hard on yourself you've got to where you are now you can do it again! :oops:
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 14:21
Aww lulabella, sorry to hear that things aren't going so well at the moment, I know how you feel, for a different reason but the outcome is the same. Too many sleepless nights and the feeling that the world is falling apart around you and being helpless to do anything about it.

I had a lot of help and good advice and plenty of hugs from many lovely people here a few days ago when things were bad, so I'm sending some hugs to you. Don't worry too much about fasting, you will be able to try again and succeed.

Much love to you and your OH

Carol :heart: :heart:
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 15:00
Don't let the stress about not fasting add to the stress about everything else. If you can't fast it isn't the end of the world.
Sending another Hug your way. :heart:
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 15:36
Oh Lulabella, sending you massive hugs and positive thoughts. Everyone has weeks like this, life likes to throw curveballs sometimes. Don't worry about not fasting this week, deal with your situation first and when you're in a better frame of mind try again. Tomorrow is another day. Wishing you all the best honey :heart:
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 15:42
heart: :heart: Don't add pressure to your life by stressing over not fasting we've all had days/week just the same hope the ax doesn't drop where you don't want it to that alone is stress enough. For us we were praying for redundancy for one or both of us and when the opportunity arose for my OH as you've said yes it was Christmas.
You've done well to maintain and its good that you're taking control and determined to make Xmas your goal :heart:

Good Luck from me xmas member # 105 :clover: Sue
Re: stressfull..........
07 Nov 2013, 15:55
Thank you for all your lovely comments - you have made me smile and so glad that i'm part of this fantastic group :)
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