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Re: A down side to low carbing
17 Feb 2014, 17:28
Oops, sorry @loversghost, he's Tim Ferriss of the slow-carb diet - in his book "The 4-Hour Body" he admits to being quite mad (page 48 maybe? VBF has my copy ... im+ferriss). But some of his stuff makes fine sense to me a lot of the time.
Re: A down side to low carbing
17 Feb 2014, 18:13
Love the discussion! I am working on getting my carbs lower, my blood sugars certainly respond when I do - yes, but the rebound is a killer!

And I do crave mushrooms & spinach & spring onions with lemon juice, feta & garlic - yum!! Tummy rumbles!
Re: A down side to low carbing
17 Feb 2014, 19:00
Just enjoyed fresh apples and blackberries lightly stewed in a little water with a spoon of local honey and a shake of mixed spice, covered in Greek yogurt and sprinkled with flaked almonds.
Ambrosia of the gods?
Very possibly :0)
Re: A down side to low carbing
17 Feb 2014, 19:10
Oh listen to @Candicemarie she's just so wise and I agree with everything she says! Well, most of the time :wink:

Bean :smile:
Re: A down side to low carbing
18 Feb 2014, 07:56
FatDog wrote: Oops, sorry @loversghost, he's Tim Ferriss of the slow-carb diet - in his book "The 4-Hour Body" he admits to being quite mad (page 48 maybe? VBF has my copy ... im+ferriss). But some of his stuff makes fine sense to me a lot of the time.

Thanks FatDog - am going to try and get a copy!
The "mad Ferriss"...
18 Feb 2014, 21:28
Definitely have a good snoop at it before you buy @loversghost! Ferriss is, to put it politely, "quite eccentric" and would, very likely, offend your granny / granddad / mother / aunt etc. However, he does believe in lots of very expensive self-experimentation (he can afford to - he' a multimillionaire from his earlier books) and his "recognising dodgy science 101" section at the back of the book is well worth taking on board. I acquired my copy from a charity store (a real snip at a couple of quid), and the lovely sixty-plus sales lady asked to borrow it after me, having opened it randomly at the "15 minute orgasm" section!
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