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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I was watching a food program (Bill Granger's Notting Hill) and Bill made this amazing pancake stack. Cant find the recipe online but its a fairly basic one.

I'm nearly there with this Way of Eating, that I've decided to get my weekends back such that i can enjoy pancakes for breakfast, and I make huge thin ones on my special pan, topped with jam, cream or both. And sometimes maple syrup

Apart from one long weekend when I indulged, it's been a year since I enjoyed them as I've been fasting every Sunday as part of my 5:3 regime. Saturday involves all my weekly food shopping and other duties so its way too busy to have that relaxed time to prepare pancakes.

Off i go to look for recipes to "change it up" cause im going to do them weekly if i can.

So switching my fast days to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. but have decided not to ever have wine or cider on a Sunday, only Saturday. As I believe indulging in alcohol is a killer in your aim to calorie restrict overall.

I guess its not all pancakes as Ill be able to bake comfortably on Sundays in my upgraded kitchen with heaps more room and a wall to wall pantry that OH devised.

Have you changed your fast day for any particular reason?
I like your style, Juliana! Mmmm, pancakes. I have recently rediscovered French Toast. :smile:
I am still about three kg off my target but have also relaxed a bit after a year on this WOE.
So great to be able to throw in an extra fast day when you need to repair some food damage!
I do admire your 3 days a week fasting- I am just doing the one full fast now but either 16:8 or just being very careful for 2 or 3 other days of the week. Seems to be working for a slow loss, so I'm happy.
I only drink a small amount of alcohol, usually once or twice a week, -but if I need it I have it! :wink:
Spunds like a plan JR! Why not indeed! Pancakes are yummy and weekends are special!
I usually just stick to Mon/ Thurs for fasts..but thinking- tentatively - of giving 4:3 a whirl ..which wd mean doing Mon/ wed/ can't contemplate a sat or sun fast if i can help it! X
I love making Violet Crumble butter pancakes with slices of banana. Its a bit fancy the pancake batter has ricotta blended through and whipped egg white. Pure divinity, but they hit like a brick, so only have a small serve, you will be satisfied and delighted. :smile:
zamale wrote: I love making Violet Crumble butter pancakes with slices of banana. Its a bit fancy the pancake batter has ricotta blended through and whipped egg white. Pure divinity, but they hit like a brick, so only have a small serve, you will be satisfied and delighted. :smile:

yum. do you have recipe @Zamale?
As planned... Day 1 of non fasting Sundays and OH and Me and a friend that dropped round enjoyed a huge stack of large thin pancakes with apricot jam, blackberry jam, honey, lemon juice and cream.

Yum Yum.

today I will eat.. tomorrow I will fast.

Looking forward to pancake brunches on a Sunday forever lol
Oh boy! I'm glad it's a feast day today because reading about pancakes AND French toast would be too much in a fast day! By the way Gigi, how d'you make your French toast! Only we call it eggy bread and it's basically bread dipped in whipped eggs and fried...mmmm haven't had it for ages!

As for changing fasting days. I've bean doing the ADF technique since Feb and this invariably means having to change the odd day here and there. Next Sunday is my dad's birthday. So that I can join him for a glass or two over a lovely meal, I am having to do my first backtoback fast on Friday and Saturday. Hmm, not sure I'll be able to do it but I can but try

I change my fast days to suit what I'm doing. I'm fasting today because a friend is coming to lunch.
@nursebeanI Love French toast too- hmmm- not sure if eggy bread has quite the same ring to it! :wink:
I mix an egg, a dash of some kind of milk (almond, soy, skim depending on who it is for!) a tsp of vanilla and a tsp of brown sugar.
I usually soften the bread a little in the microwave (wholemeal sliced bread) and dip into the egg mixture then fry it with just a spray of oil.
As you may have realised from other posts I love my fruit, so I usually have this with a fruit salad of strawberries, banana, and whatever else is around, and maybe a little maple syrup.
Of course this is the healthy version- if I have some fruit bread or brioche around they are delicious as well!
Oh dear, tummy is rumbling now!
so loving Monday, Wednesday and Friday fasts. Today i know i have to be strict but i have 2 days of feasting ahead of me and on a relaxed weekend. Honestly it must be the best days for 4:3.

are others on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for fasting?

looking up some pancake recipes for Sunday.

might do the thick buttermilk ones this time.

Like these...


from ... cakes.aspx
I love whole grain French toast with dark chocolate almond milk in the egg dip. With a smear of peanut butter & sliced bananas - yum. I have also used a bit of whipped cream cheese w/ fresh sliced strawberries, since my OH doesn't eat Sunday breakfast.
Oh how i love my eating Sundays now.. mindful of the fact that tomorrow and Wednesday and Friday are fasting and very careful days. Oh how i love this type of diet.. and way of eating.

anyhow i finally stole 2 hours of my day this morning(preparing, eating, washup) for making the buttermilk pancakes and what a treat they were. I made fresh sauce with frozen strawberries and raspberries, cooked with water, vanilla sugar, vanilla essence and a bit of butter thrown in at the end for gloss... and Whipped cream with vanilla sugar and vanilla of course.

Plus expresso coffee with freshly ground fresh roasted beans of course

2 pics of evidence
sorry if your fasting


Yum! I did me some pancakes for my Sunday morning breakfast too. Saturday's big fry up morning (not as bad as it sounds!), but I love a treat Sunday morning as well (depending on time restrictions, it might be a croissant, or French toast, or whatever other new brekky treat I've discovered). So yes, I completely understand moving a fast day for a fantastic breakfast. And after having two great breakfasts like that I'm more than ready for my Monday fast. See - I can even write about such lovely things without my tummy growling or needing to run for my stash of emergency crudités! :smile:
Oh, yes, Juliana! Pancakes are totally worthy of being scheduled and savored on a weekly basis! We eat to live--really live, not just exist! :heart: :victory: :heart:
This isn't about pancakes or French toast (the latter which I had last night, made from cinnamon brioche bread and topped with lemon curd/sour cream and fresh raspberries)--all your pics look SO yummy! But a friend won some movie tix for Monday, my usual fast day, which come with a cocktail hour beforehand. So, I'm going to switch my fast day to Sunday (don't want to do Tuesday with only Wednesday inbetween). Any advice on this? I've been a little wary of varying my fast days unnecessarily, though of course one of the major attractions of this WOL is its flexibility in the face of real life. I just don't want to slide into too many "exceptions" and thus off track. :grin:
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