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Fasting today?

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Fasting today Tuesday 13 May
13 May 2014, 04:49
Where is everybody? I'm in for my second fast of the week. Will anyone join me?
Yes, I am here too @Chook! I am sure there will be more of us. Have a successful and healthy day. :clover:
Good morning everybody..havnt been on the forum for a while but have been sticking to 5.20.unfortunately have been jammed on The same weight for 6 weeks....So today I think Salad and fruit and water to try and get me going has taken me 8months to lose 8lbs....such a struggle I only have 4lbs to go.......Any speedy tips would be appreciated...:-D
Hi everyone, it is my first day of fasting today!
Morning all - isn't it the 13th today?

I'm in - I got a shock at the weekend when I put my weigh-ins into the spreadsheet, I've crept up about 3kg from my lowest ever 5:2 weight. Hopefully on the way back down now, as will get in two fasts per week and try to cut down on alcohol a bit.

Ate late last night after swimming (10.30 pm) so still feeling full, and contemplating extending the day by not eating until tomorrow lunchtime - will see how that goes.

Good everyone :clover:
@rh100 Welcome and good luck! :like:
Hi, Count me in. Have been off and gained 12lbs - eeekkk!! Really hoping I can make it through today and get back on the wagon.......
I'm in again today as I didn't manage my fast yesterday. I felt a bit out of sorts at 2pm-ish so thought it best to eat normally. Hopefully today will go more smoothly! Good luck everyone :clover: :heart:
Count me in, last week was really bad, a whole week self sabotage, and then my birthday on Sunday.
But this is a new week and I'm ready for this fast. Good luck everyone :clover:
Ok,I'm in.been doing 16/8 only for the past three weeks but really need a fast day as the weight loss is so slow.
I did this last year and lost a few kilos but put it all back on
Am having trouble getting back into it.
So will commit here to,fasting today
One fast at a time.
I'm in today....tummy's rumbling ready. Will fill it with water. Good luck everyone
I'm used to eating quite a lot for breakfast, so I'm having my first cup of bouillon powder - its not too bad actually :like:
I am back after having a break since last year, so fasting today and Thursday.

Breakfast - 1 crumpet (103 cal)

Dinner - sainsburys be good to yourself ready meal (392 cal)

Drinks: green tea and lots of water

Good luck today whoever else is fasting.
That's me done.lunch: salad with some veggies,dinner chicken and veg,didn't work out calories....just can't do it but think its under600..,so will close the window with a black coffee
Good luck to all
Yep I'm fasting today.
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