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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Rachael's Ramblings
25 Mar 2014, 16:26
On my first day on the Fast Diet Forum, I set up a blog to record of all my health related monitoring but then read all the stuff about using a journal rather than a blog. So here is a duplicate of my first blog which covers the week 17 March to 24 March (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 49% Fat 33% Protein 18%

    Weight: 181.7lbs. BMI: 30.27. Fat: 43.5%

It wasn't an easy week for fasting. I met the Solihull girls on Monday for coffee and cakes. I went down to Shirley to see the family on Thursday and had a good lunch at the Royal Garden Chinese restaurant. And then on Saturday we went to a neighbour's golden wedding anniversary party. So I fasted on Wednesday and Friday.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,512 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1lb

I managed to maintain my dog walking exercise as well as going to the gym three times. I also completed week 5 of my C25K programme which means that on Friday I jogged for 20 minutes non-stop.

    Total step count: 104,033 steps. Exercise calories: 3,342. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.8lb

In fact my overall weight loss was 2.4lbs which was considerably better than the previous three weeks.

    BP readings: 111/65 and 113/66
Re: Rachael's Ramblings
25 Mar 2014, 18:16
Hey Rachael! You're going great. With your analytical approach, you will be able to tweak things to your advantage. You also seem to be very realistic and practical. Good luck!
Rachael's Ramblings
31 Mar 2014, 09:10
This journal entry covers the week 14 March to 31 March (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 35% Fat 43% Protein 22%

    Weight: 180.6lbs. BMI: 30.1. Fat: 41.3%

This was always going to be a slightly difficult week with Mother's Day on Sunday, so I did two proper fast days plus a mini fast to make up for it. Over the week I averaged out at quite a bit less than my target calorie consumption but I think weighing in the day following my mega blow out doesn't give a true picture. I did have two days in the middle of the week where I shifted from "obese" to "overweight" so that really motivated me. I expect to see things balance out more next week. I've also tried to increase my protein intake this week but that's had quite a bad effect on my fat consumption.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,251 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.5lb

I struggled a bit with week 6 day 1 of C25K which apparently is quite normal. Spent Tuesday evening trying to learn to ride a bike (at my great age) and gained a lot of bruises which meant that day 2 was even harder (only managed half of it) and day 3 a total failure. Overall then my activity levels this week haven't been very good.

    Total step count: 93,153 steps. Exercise calories: 3,164. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.8lb

In fact my overall weight loss was 1.1lbs, not too bad as it's still slightly above the expected average.

    BP readings: 103/60 and 98/55.
Re: Rachael's Ramblings
31 Mar 2014, 09:35
Fascinating journal Rachael, you mention your great age ... We have a sassy senior sanctuary thread if you'd care to pop in :0)
Keep up the great work.
Re: Rachael's Ramblings
31 Mar 2014, 09:37
Hi Azureblue. Thanks for the thanks. Yup I've got Sassyseniors bookmarked :like:
Rachael's Ramblings
07 Apr 2014, 07:35
This journal entry covers the week 31 March to 7 April (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 45% Fat 33% Protein 22%

    Weight: 178.8lbs. BMI: 29.8. Fat: 43.0%

No real problems last week. I managed two classic fasting days on Monday and Thursday and was pretty careful what I ate the rest of the week without being too restrictive. I even had eggs on muffins on two mornings and steak followed by apple pie and custard on Saturday night. Even with these small indulgences my overall consumption was a tad low I think, so I shall aim to increase it slightly when I get back from Switzerland.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,222 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.6lbs.

I didn't make it to the gym at all last week. It's partly lack of discipline / motivation but also the fact that I still ache from the attempt at cycling. I have massive bruises everywhere. However I'm determined to get back to the gym this week. On the plus side I had two good long walks on Tuesday and Friday.

    Total step count: 93,718 steps. Exercise calories: 3,017. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.8lb

In fact my overall weight loss was 1.8lbs, above the predicted 5:2 only loss.

    BP readings: 101/58 and 112/66.
Rachael's Ramblings
14 Apr 2014, 08:25
This journal entry covers the week 7 to 14 April (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 37% Fat 40% Protein 23%

    Weight: 177.6lbs. BMI: 29.6. Fat: 40.9%

I fitted in three fasts this week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Which is just as well as I had a mega blow out on Saturday and Sunday. It's probably been close to the worst I've been since starting 5:2 and left me feeling quite disgustingly stuffed. I hope I can learn to listen to my stomach! My fat consumption has been massive this week mainly because I've been eating a lot of full fat cheese, switching from carb based to protein based breakfasts some mornings. I shall try to bring the percentage down over the next few weeks. However I'm off to Switzerland this morning so I suspect my intentions may be swiftly derailed.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,429 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.1lbs.

I made it to the gym on Monday and ran for two lots of 8 minutes separated by a 4 minute brisk walk. I was quite pleased that I managed that after not having been to the gym for a while. I'm afraid that the garden took priority for the rest of the week. The weather was so good that we spent four days planting up our front garden. Aching backs, arms and legs all round.

    Total step count: 103,406 steps. Exercise calories: 4,079. Predicted additional weight loss: 1.0lb

In fact my overall weight loss was 1.2lbs, above the predicted 5:2 only loss and a miracle considering my weekend munchies!

    BP readings: 99/60 and 113/65.
Rachael's Ramblings
21 Apr 2014, 08:36
This journal entry covers the week 14 to 21 April (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 35% Fat 49% Protein 16%

    Weight: 179.9lbs. BMI: 29.9. Fat: 42.2%

I completely blew it this week what with four days in Switzerland followed by the Easter weekend. On the plus side, I managed to fit in a mini fast on Friday. I didn't stick to 500 calories but at 639 calories it was well below normal. However for the rest of the week I think it's fair to say that my diet has been mostly cheese-based or chocolate-based. I'm not surprised at this but I think what has come as a shock is just how readily my body adapted to the massive intake of fat. I didn't really feel that stuffed.

    Average daily gross consumption: 2,297 calories. Predicted weight gain: 0.6lbs.

Not a single visit to the gym this week and although we did quite a bit of walking in Switzerland, I don't think it was energetic enough to burn the calories.

    Total step count: 80,005 steps. Exercise calories: 2,243. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.5lb

In fact my overall weight gain was 2.3lbs, above the predicted 5:2 gain which either means it's a false gain and will come off quickly or, more likely, I've undercounted what I've eaten!

    BP readings: 132/75.
Rachael's Ramblings
28 Apr 2014, 08:50
This journal entry covers the week 21 to 28 April (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 40% Fat 42% Protein 18%

    Weight: 175.9lbs. BMI: 29.3. Fat: 43.4%

This week was saved by my having three fast days on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In between I still scoffed a huge amount of chocolate, demolished quite a few party snacks at Saturday lunchtime, and also had a cheese fondue on Saturday night. On the plus side, I hit my lowest weight for a long time, 173.6lbs after my second fast day, so maybe I will be able to reclaim that before I go on holiday on Thursday.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,597 calories. Predicted weight loss: 0.8lbs.

Again not a single visit to the gym this week and I am feeling quite guilty about it. Nothing will happen for the next two weeks either but I must get back into the routine when I get back from Antigua.

    Total step count: 92,348 steps. Exercise calories: 2,583. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.5lb

In fact my overall weight loss was 4.0lbs, above the predicted 5:2 loss, so my gain from last week has disappeared quickly. It looks like my monthly loss will come in around 5lbs which I'm happy with.

    BP readings: 114/65 and 106/74.
Rachael's Ramblings
05 May 2014, 14:17
This journal entry covers the week 28 April to 5 May (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 43% Fat 42% Protein 15%

    Estimated Weight: 177.2lbs. BMI: 29.5. Fat: 43.9%

Didn't even pretend to do 5:2 this week as we travelled to Antigua on Thursday, although I did manage one fast day before we went. Despite certain good intentions, I have taken full advantage of the all-inclusive offering, secure in the knowledge that I can leap back into 5:2 on my return to the UK and repair all the damage.

    Average daily gross (estimated) consumption: 2,702 calories. Predicted weight gain: 2.0lbs.

Incredibly lazy week as the step count shows. But that's what holidays are for!

    Total step count: 56,591 steps. Exercise calories: 858. Predicted additional weight loss:0lb

My estimated weight gain was 1.3lbs, below the predicted 5:2 loss, but I won't know the true picture until next weekend. Although I've tried to keep track of calories, without restricting them, I've probably under estimated massively.

    BP readings: 98/57.
Rachael's Ramblings
12 May 2014, 21:55
This journal entry covers the week 5 May to 12 May (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 45% Fat 40% Protein 15%

    Weight: 183lbs. BMI: 30.4. Fat: 39.5%

Quite a disastrous week as far as weight goes. I had estimated a gain of 7lbs for the week I was away and in fact put on 14lbs! Some of that has already gone but there's a way to go.

    Average daily gross (estimated) consumption: 3,285 calories. Predicted weight gain: 2.6lbs.

Another incredibly lazy week as the step count shows but I'm back to my 10,000 steps a day target.

    Total step count: 53,861 steps. Exercise calories: 812. Predicted additional weight loss:0lb

My estimated weight gain was 5.8lbs, above the predicted 5:2 gain, so plainly I under estimated my consumption significantly.

    BP readings: 116/68.
Rachael's Ramblings
19 May 2014, 09:25
This journal entry covers the week 12 May to 19 May (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 36% Fat 43% Protein 21%

    Weight: 180.2lbs. BMI: 30.0. Fat: 41.3%

Starting to make inroads on the Antigua weight gain but was slightly derailed by my 3 day gourmet break in Cornwall. I gained nearly 6lbs in that time but of course most of that is water retention as a result of higher salt consumption. I think I must be massively salt intolerant. I managed to fit one fast day in last week and also tried a 16:8 on Thursday rather unsuccessfully as I felt a bit faint with the heat. I'm going to try 4:3 this week, and possibly next week too, to try and get back to my planned weight loss "flight path".

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,897 calories. Predicted weight loss: 0.2lbs.

I'm still not hitting my 10,000 steps a day target.

    Total step count: 67,581 steps. Exercise calories: 1,968. Predicted additional weight loss:0.5lb

My weight loss was 3.3lbs, above the predicted 0.7lb loss demonstrating that much of the previous gain was indeed down to water retention.

    BP readings: 122/73 and 125/67.
Rachael's Ramblings
26 May 2014, 11:07
This journal entry covers the week 19 May to 26 May (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 45% Fat 37% Protein 18%

    Weight: 175.2lbs. BMI: 29.2. Fat: 40.2%

Successfully completed a 4:3 week although on two of my fast days I did come in at over 600 calories but it was a brave shout. Had a bit of a choccy splurge on Sunday but it didn't impact massively on my overall consumption.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,216 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.6lbs.

I've managed to reach my 10,000 steps a day target this week and made one visit to the gym. Hopefully this will get me back on track now.

    Total step count: 83,950 steps. Exercise calories: 2,923. Predicted additional weight loss:0.8lb

My weight loss was 5.0lbs, well above the predicted 2.4lb loss so it was well worthwhile doing a 4:3. I may well pop another one in this week as the week after involves a visit to Heston Blumenthal's in Bray!

    BP readings: 108/61 and 107/64.
Rachael's Ramblings
02 Jun 2014, 12:46
This journal entry covers the week 26 May to 2 June (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 43% Fat 37% Protein 20%

    Weight: 174.7lbs. BMI: 29.1. Fat: 45.6%

Successfully completed another 4:3 week but had a rather indulgent weekend. Nevertheless, average consumption still came in at a respectably low figure.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,424 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.2lbs.

Paid three visits to the gym and did my version of "fast exercise". That's pushed my average daily steps well above 10,000.

    Total step count: 89,176 steps. Exercise calories: 3,133. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.9lb

My weight loss was 0.5lbs, well below the predicted 2.1lb loss. Must try harder :-(

    BP readings: 124/70 and 118/73.
Rachael's Ramblings
09 Jun 2014, 13:33
This journal entry covers the week 2 June to 9 June (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 38% Fat 42% Protein 20%

    Weight: 174.7lbs. BMI: 29.1. Fat: 37.8%

I struggled this week. Although I managed to fit in two fast days, I had a trip to one of Heston Blumenthal's outlets in Bray and rather blew it. Which I then compounded by having one heck of a weekend. Although in theory I should still have lost about half a pound, I wasn't holding my breath which was just as well!

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,784 calories. Predicted weight loss: 0.4lbs.

Paid two visits to the gym and had a good long walk down the Greenway which helped to keep my step count at a reasonable level.

    Total step count: 87,650 steps. Exercise calories: 2,587. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.6lb

My weight loss was 0.0lbs, well below the predicted 1.0lb loss. Back to the programme this week!

    BP readings: 111/64 and 111/765.
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