The FastDay Forum

Weight Maintenance

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I have struggled with my weight since my thirties, swinging from one diet to another: Weightwatchers, Slimming World, the Cabbage diet, I tied them all. After a series of operations in my fifties, I shot up to 15 stone 3lbs (213lbs) and, in 2011, I successfully dropped 2 stones, only to put a stone of it back on within a year.

Enter 5 2.

With a start weight of 14st 3lbs (199lbs), I started the most sustainable way of eating and, to my delight, I not only lost the weight, but managed to get to a respectable 10st 3lbs (143lbs), significantly under my original target.
I started daily weighing on 1 July last year, recording my weight and the calories consumed daily on a spreadsheet. I know you should not have to count calories, but it was the only way I could monitor and regulate my intake. I used My Fitness Pal, setting it to record total calories, carbs, fibre etc. I had to be honest with myself, so even on the blowout days, everything was recorded faithfully. I put aside time each day to do this.
Now, with a year's worth of data, plus a food diary, I can plot my progress and, more importantly, I have the tools to ensure I maintain my weight.
A year ago, I was 12stone 3lbs (171lbs).
I have been maintaining since March this year and have a wonderful support group of people from this forum. But, to the point of this post: how am I maintaining? Just what makes things different this time?

1) I am a committed daily weigher . My 'weighing window' is between 10st 3 and 10st 5lbs and I take action if I see 10st 5.75lbs (145.75lbs) on those scales! I schedule a fast day! Only once since March have I seen 10st 6lbs.
2) I am a committed recorder of calories. My average calorie intake for the last year has been 1110. Too low, I hear you cry! Not for me. I think as my weight has dropped, so has my TDEE.
3) I stick to an average of 65 (approx) daily carbs, none of which come from rice, pasta or other grains.
4) I have finally, I think, got my fibre intake about right (phew!)
5) I wear a Fitbit and, even if I do not take much exercise, it makes me think about my activity levels.
6) I have an eating window and, even though it's hard for me to achieve, I can usually go to lunch time to break my fast (usually!)
7) I measure my waist, and try to ensure it is less than 50% of my height. I am now in UK size 12.

Thank you, @moogie for setting up this forum and especially the tracker and to all the knowledgeable, friendly people on here for keeping me on the straight and narrow!
Good morning @Pennyforthem that was a very inspiring post. Everything you say about IF is so true. I am also a committed daily weigher and I also measure my waist at the same time as I often find that the two things do not go up or down in tandem but seem to be independent of each other, how strange is that? It is great to see more and more of us on maintenance plans as it means that this must be the most sustainable weight management system ever, it certainly is for me. :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Indeed, a very inspiring post. I am curious about a few things. How often do you end up fasting to keep your weight in your maintenance window? And is your 1110 average including fast days?

Congrats on your successful maintenance. I have yet to sort that out!
@maryann I find that one day a week at 800 cals is enough at the moment. And yes, the average does include fast days. I used to do 700 cal a day fasts, not the 500 recommended. It worked for me.
I think you've hit the nail on the head with a lot of what you have said. I too weigh daily and I know some people on here say you shouldn't, but after YEARS of never daring to get on the scales because I was frightened what they'd say - I find that daily weighing is a way to keep myself on the straight and narrow before things get out of hand. Ditto the keeping an eye on calories - I'm not obsessive but I do record everything I eat and drink daily (primarily for the cal and carb count tbh) but I think it really helps (me at least). Thanks for your post Penny - really helpful - and showing again that this is a WOE rather than a diet.
Great post PFT very informative. I too daily weigh and schedule a fast day as required. It is a great system. Hats off to you for your rigorous tally system. Wishing you all the best
Thanks PFT that was really interesting and well done! Inspiring!
So great to read how you've carved out yr own WOE dear Penns! And inspiring too :like:
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