The FastDay Forum

Monthly Weigh-Ins

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Re: 2014 weigh in!
01 Jan 2015, 23:00
A good idea to take a year's worth of figures to see the bigger picture. I have been a bit lax on regular weighing, but here you go :
Start 31.12.13 = 63.9kg
End 29.12.14 = 60.4kg
Max was 64.0kg, min was 58.7kg
I have been maintaining since June, mostly on 16:8, no fasting, trying to keep below 60kg. Only gone over since Christmas !
I have exercised a lot more since I got my Fitbit, it has really helped motivate me, together with the support from the forum. Thanks for being there everyone.
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 00:47
If this post was 4 or 6 weeks ago, my stats would have been much happier. But my thyroid levels are low right now in an effort to raise my TSH in advance of my RAI therapy in a few weeks. Sooooo

Jan 1 2014: 111.3kg
Dec 31 2014 103.4

I was below 100 in Nov :-( but I've been gaining while my levels are so low, and I have zero energy.

At least it's still a loss
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 07:03
An other useful subject this, thanks.
My Christmas 2013 was a real disaster, so my starting weight for 2014 was
55.9 kg 8st.4.62 lbs 116.62 lbs
My great effort of a Lenten fast in 2014 resulted in happy weight loss, lowest weight of the year
(Apr.16) 51.1 kg 8st. 112.66 lbs
My weight (after my Advent fast), and last weight I recorded for 2014, was
Dec 23) 51.3 kg 8st1.1 lbs 113lbs
After my first fast after Christmas, and first fast in 2015
2nd January) 52.9 kg
I am really pleased after this Christmas!!!! My usual maintain weight is around 53kg or more, though my goal weight is 51.7 kg. So I feel that this Christmas I managed the control much better than last time. Hurray and thanks to the Forum!
Let us face the new year with courage, we can do this!
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 10:22
My start to 2014 was ( as of the 13 jan when I started this journey) was 245lb.

I weigh today 189 lb

so a loss of 56lb. Very very happy with that.
I put on 8lb over the last fortnight but have enjoyed myself and I also now know how to get myself down again.
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 10:25
Not a regular poster but popped in today to update my tracker and funnily enough to remind myself what I weighed this time last year.
3rd Jan 2014 - 11st 12lbs
Target weight - 10st
Target reached September 2014 - maintaining since October 2014
Lowest recorded weight 9st 8lbs (November 2014, after a month of no alcohol!)
2nd Jan 2015 - 9st 12lb - two stone lighter than this time last year and have managed to maintain under 10st over Christmas - very happy with that!
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 10:57
Happy New Year!
My weight on 1st January 2014 was 10 stone 0.6lbs (this was my highest all year) and this New Year was 9 stone 12.8lbs. So could be worse but could be a whole lot better. My lowest during the year was 9 stone 1lb in April, then real life got in the way. Need to try to get to target before big holiday in April - 8.5 stone. Know how to do it so here goes!! :like:
Re: 2014 weigh in!
02 Jan 2015, 14:00
I've got no idea what I weighed at the beginning of the year. I've only lost a couple of pounds at the most.
I have made a note of my weight as of yesterday though and this year I will get to my target. 22lbs to lose.
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 01:16
I was a bit disheartened when I saw the format of this thread as I have had a bit of a gain in the last few weeks but...................

Beginning of 2014 I was 17 stone
End of 2014 I was 14 and a half, give or take

so 2 and a half stone down but early December 2014 I saw 13.13 so I am hoping that I can regain that perhaps during January 2015 and then hit my 3 and a half stone shortly after :grin:
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 11:03
Ok, so I wasn't going to post on here but I've decided to stand up and be counted!

Start of 2013 - Weight 191lbs, Highest Body Fat 41.6%
Start of 2014 - Weight 164lbs, Body Fat 37.7%
Start of 2015 - Weight 162lbs, Body Fat 35.8%
Lowest 2014 - Weight 154lbs, Body Fat 34.2%

I'm disappointed that allowed myself to overeat so much over the festive season however I'm still pretty pleased that I've kept off all the weight I lost in 2013. I'm also pleased to see my body fat %age coming down which proves to me that your fat cells take a while to catch up with the weight loss.
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 12:27
Hi all and a Happy and Healthy :heart: 2015,
I am new to this site and am happy to share my 2014 results with you.

Started last year with 86 kg, 172 cm, BMI 29, I am 51 years old. Have been doing daily sports for over a decade now (biking). Threw in some fruit days in the beginning of the year. On August 1st I have started a nutrition that is called "Slim in Sleep" (SiS) :cool: ha ha. Just a buzz and marketing wording where I live. It is just good old: food combining. My weight at that point 83 kg. My goal was: letting go of old saved energies so to speak. From August til October 2014 I had lost 12 kg this way. I did a lot of sports, too. Biking, walking and trampoline-walking/trampoline-jogging.

Then, middle of November, I was invited to a party where someone told me about 5:2. That sounded great and I decided to combine my SiS with it. I read about 5:2. Then started 18th of November.

My weight on 31st of December was 70.3 kg. Total loss of - 15.7 kg. (I had gained 1.3 kg over Christmas holidays - was down to 69.0 kg middle of December - and I admit that I ate a lot. I mean I really did not follow any "no sugar, low carb and so on"-rules at all. Yet I kept doing my fast days strictly. Guess that is why I did not gain 3 to 5 kg :grin: And I did my sports all the time as well.)

Now I want to let go of the last 7 kg on my way down to 63 kg which is my goal. Today I was searching the net and reading about 5:2 in comparison to 4:3. I was wondering whether 4:3 could boost something. Well, anyway. I feel very motivated to go on with my weight loss in a healthy way. Hope to give and find motivation with co-losers here :wink:

My results in steps twimc
1.8. 83.5
30.8. 76.7
30.9. 74.4
1.11. 71.4
(18th of November start of 5:2 combined with SiS)
29.11. 70.0
13.12. 69.0
31.12. 70.3
My next scale day will be 31st of January.

Have a nice week-end and good luck :clover:
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 12:53
I think this has been a good topic to show how well people have done even when they think they haven't - @wildmissus look how your body fat has decreased as well as your weight and @madcatlady two and a half (or three) stone off? sounds pretty good all round to me! :-)
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 13:59
@Mahalo, great work.
As a new member I would like to welcome you to the forum. Maybe a quick intro like you've posted here in he introducing yourself forum would allow the members to not miss you. This place is very friendly and we love to welcome and encourage our newbies.
Good luck with your continued success.
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 22:21
I was reluctant to post my results but decided to anyway
April 2013 87 kilos
Jan 2014 79.80
Jan 2015 79.90
My lowest weight was 77.60 during 2014
I don't always get 2 fasts in a week and am not very strict on my non-fast days so I take heart in the fact that I'm not putting all my weight back on.On the whole I'm fairly healthy and hope to do a bit better this year.
Cheers Carmel
Re: 2014 weigh in!
03 Jan 2015, 22:48
Interesting comparison!
3/1/15: 10 stone 9 lb
1/1/14: 10 stone 7 lb
Highest weight in year: 10 stone 10 lb
Lowest: 10 stone 1 lb
Sadly the lowest weight was just before Christmas... Today is a fast day!
Re: 2014 weigh in!
04 Jan 2015, 00:17
Good idea for a thread Caroline. Good to look back and take stock. Thank you.

1 Jan 2014 9st 5lb
31 Dec 2014 9st 0lb - bang on target.
Maintained around target of 9st 0lb from Feb 2014
Heaviest 9st 6lb (for one day) at the end of August after two summer holidays
Lightest 8st 9lb twice on non consecutive days in November
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