The FastDay Forum

Monthly Weigh-Ins

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January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 08:31
How did you all do this month?
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 09:40
I stayed in the lower parts of my 105-110lbs range which is :cool:. That said, over the last 7 days, I'm showing an uptick in my trend - that happens sometimes and may be related to joint swelling etc. but I shall keep an eye on it.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 09:41
thanks for asking.

Yesterday I was sooo happy when I had my weigh-in at the pharmacy's print-scales. Had to walk there due to snow, so some welcome early-morning exercise, too. Back home: Before even thinking of breakfast I logged in here to share my happiness with you fellow fasters. Image

My last weigh-in on 31. December 2014 was 70.3 kg. A plus of 1.3 kg over Christmas. My lowest weight since August 2014 - and 1985 - was 69.0 kg. The fact that I had sticked to my FDs & daily sports during the holiday season had prevented me from gaining lots more because I had eaten and drunk a lot, I mean really a lot.

Yesterday the scales printed a fantastic 67.5 kg for me. That means my goal of 63.0 kg and an (healthwise) ideal BMI of 21 is only 4.5 kg away... oh, I am so happy about this. When I started my BMI was 29. Now it is 22.8.

January I did 4:3 for the first time. Not sure whether 5:2 would have had the same result. I will go on with 4:3 until Easter.

Next weigh-in will be Saturday 28th of February. Although I felt insecure more than once while not weighing for four weeks it also made the joy of the lost 2,8 kg much bigger and more of a big surprise.

I am wishing all of us a successful new month February heading towards fast-friendly spring


Mahalo :heart:
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 10:45
I lost 4lbs this month.

I know I am hard on myself (aren't we all) and I am pleased with this but I am still 4lbs off my lowest weight in July last year before I went my holidays.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 11:04
Started at 73.2, ended on 74.0kgs.
Not as fabulous as hoped :0@
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 12:47
I re started 5.2 on 1/5/15 and I have lost 12lb which I am thrilled with. :grin:
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 13:36
Still in my maintenance zone.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 14:06
January started at 12 stone 12 lbs yesterday I was 12 stone 7lbs 6 oz. So a loss of 4lbs 10 oz in January :grin: My signature reflects my ups & downs.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 14:36
Re-started 5:2 on 5th January ... at 90.7 kg. Today the scales say 88.5 kg :- down by 2.2kg!
Re: January 2015 weigh in
01 Feb 2015, 15:39
31st Dec 58kg.............31st Jan 58.5kg. Up half a kilo.
Though actually, up and down within a kilo...
Lowest weight 57.7kg on 13th Jan
Highest weight 58.9kg on 7th Jan.
I seem to have been maintaining at around 58.5. Ok, so I now know what will work for maintenance, but for my jeans to be comfy I still need to lose a bit. I think that my previous target (hit before Christmas 2013) was too low, so I'll go with how I feel rather than on the numbers. I love a round number though! :confused:
Re: January 2015 weigh in
02 Feb 2015, 13:27
January 5th : weight 11 st 3.4 lb Waist 34" % fat 30.9

February 2nd: weight 11 st 1.2 lb Waist 34" % fat 30.1

So 2.2 lb lost and a nice drop in % fat. Still not back to my lowest pre Christmas weight but going in the right direction :grin:
Re: January 2015 weigh in
03 Feb 2015, 00:58
Just .4 of a pound over my target and have maintained within my two-pound 'buffer' all month - since losing the Christmas/New Year weight by 11th January.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
03 Feb 2015, 01:08
January is the first month of maintaining, first 2 weeks good :cool: , this last week :cry: going towards upper limit. Dig deep Liz bring it down and on. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: January 2015 weigh in
13 Feb 2015, 09:50
Only just saw this so a bit late. I lost 6lb in January Mainly down to Flu though.
Re: January 2015 weigh in
13 Feb 2015, 10:47
Nine pounds down between 5 - 31 st. Jan
Well done All Losers! :like:
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