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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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End of July weigh in
01 Aug 2015, 15:56
I'm on holiday with no scales so shan't be weighing in for a while. But how was everyone else's July?
Re: End of July weigh in
01 Aug 2015, 17:24
Weighty. Steady rise of 1kg. :0(
Re: End of July weigh in
01 Aug 2015, 18:14
Apart from cold and rainy ... good :grin:
69 kgs on 31st - although I'm not quite sure that's for real ... we'll see what happens next Wednesday/Friday...
So, happy with fasting and losing weight - but can somebody send some heat up here?
Re: End of July weigh in
01 Aug 2015, 18:25
Lost nine and a half pounds in july courtesy of Slimming World and a few fasts...not as many as 5:2,but some!
Happy holibobs @carorees x !
Re: End of July weigh in
01 Aug 2015, 22:36
I'm not at home either and no way am I using strange scales-my own are bad enough! But at least I know they are consistent.
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 06:59
Just checked my tracker and I lost 4.39 lb in July which is a bonus as I reached my Goal Weight late June. However, it is very hot here in Cyprus and I am drinking lots of water.
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 09:34
July was up and down for me, because of visitors and unpredictable eating. Started at my summer goal of
52.3 kg . Then after visitors, uncontrollable meal situations....
54 kg . Then after serious window fasting (20,5/ 3,5), last day of July
52.5. I am pleased with this result!! Grateful for fasting control of weight. It works!! :smile:
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 13:28
A slight rise in mid-month before the downward trend again. Overall 1.9kg and I'm reasonably pleased with that. Hope for a little more in August as it should to be a quieter month for events and outings. But on the bright side reached my interim goal of 7.5kg off after three months.
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 17:25
In 126.8
Out 124.4
No real loss, normal ups and downs and managing to keep within my wiggle room, which is my goal for 2015.
Happy hols Carorees :sun:
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 19:42
I was at 145.5 lbs after my last fast, 147-something on regular days. This is 7 lbs heavier than I was this time last year, but still pretty close to my long term maintenance goal which was 145.

I fasted twice a week this whole time except for one week when we had a family celebration on a Monday. I'm still eating way too much on non-fast days. Health has been iffy--will be seeing doctors this week. Maybe some of that will help.
Re: End of July weigh in
02 Aug 2015, 22:44
In at 9st 3lb, out at 9st 4lb. Down to 9st 1lb several times and have had a 2 week holiday so not too shabby. Target is 9st so time to get back on it though before it gets out of hand. The same thing happened last year and interestingly, the weight dropped off easily afterwards and I was down to about 8st 10 with plenty of wiggle room. Hoping for the same again this year
Re: End of July weigh in
04 Aug 2015, 22:54
July 1st: 151.4 lbs
July 31st: 148.4 lbs

I did a lot of yo-yo-ing this last week. Not a huge loss, but I am happy because I broke through my plateau to get into the 140s. I am now 7.4 pounds away from my all-time lowest weight! I really really hope I do not plateau again. I have not fasted all month and will take another 1 month break from fasting while I do my best to eat clean and take full advantage of my gym membership. BUT, I am going on vacation this weekend to Nashville. I know I won't be able to resist the southern fried goodies, but I will try to get some exercise in at least to help a little. And maybe skip breakfast to cut calories. Awesome job to the rest of you. Hope August is kind to all of us!
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