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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Just reported my weekly weight with a loss of 4lb. I had 2 successful fasts, went to the gym once and gave it my all and went to pilates which I haven't done since last summer. Quite pleased with myself and a bit sore from the exercise. Just need to keep this going.
Well done @wildmissus :victory: :victory: Nice start. I'm feeling better than before xmas but not weighed. Just keeping my head down with it.
I only started back on Monday and i couldn't weigh myself because my scales are broken, which i only found out when i tried to weigh myself to get a start weight (sods law).
However i have had two successful fasts this week and have kept below my TDEE on the other days.
I now work from home with all the temptations that it brings but i feel i have coped well.
Wow! Good for you! I had 2 pretty good fasts and have been doing pretty good at reaching my step goal every day. I plan to exercise this weekend and I'll weigh on Monday. I'll be happy if I'm down a pound!
That's fantastic!! Well Monday was back to routine after nearly two weeks of family visiting (a lot of inlaws for over a week). And of course I woke up Monday quite sick with a bad head cold. I just started really feeling better yesterday, so yesterday was an eating window with a high protein shake at 1pm and a healthy, lower carb dinner (spaghetti squash with marinara and meatballs, roasted zucchini and one tiny piece of cheesy garlic bread). I'll do the same today, except dinner will be a reduced calorie chili ( ... -chocolate - I add an extra onion, an extra bell pepper and an extra can of beans, plus I omit the sugar. It's a great recipe. Chocolate in a savory sauce with chilis is fantastic). I even got back to 9K steps on my fitbit yesterday and I'm aiming for 10 to 11k today.

My weight is lower than the start of December, but I did gain a few pounds back over Christmas. Unavoidable with all of the food and drink. My SIL is a wine rep and was pouring a lot of bubbles, and I have a hard time saying no. Sigh. I'm hoping eating windows and protein shakes will help trim this down.
@Wildmissus that's great news and great start to NY, :smile: well done. :like: I started 52 on 30 Dec (2013), I'm not sure if it's just in my 'head' but I think it's a good time of year to start/recommit as you can envisage a calendar year ahead of where you'd like to be during the year in terms of setting goals. Just think by end of next week that could be anything from 5lbs to 8 lbs - in range of half a stone! Now that's an exciting thought. When I started 52 after my weekly weigh in I always said to myself, 'next week I'll be 1-2lbs nearer to my goal' whoopee. I really wanted it and could see/and feel it, and nothing was going to get in my way. It was my top personal priority and I think that was key, yes life is busy but it's not going to erode my no ONE priority for the year. It really drove me for 9 months, final 3 months was a snails pace but that was fine, tested my patience :wink: ..... a soft landing to maintenance. 2015 maintaining was my personal priority.
Wishing you and everyone a blooming great year :heart:
PS I weigh in tomorrow, hoping 1lb of Xmas has disappeared ....
My mum is visiting from Holland so I love to cook and bake for her, take her out for lunch, cook more dinner, open another bottle of wine, etc. I am a bit heavier than I've been for a long time but I'll get to that in 10 days when the house will feel empty and I need to focus on my weight, exercise, work, tidying up, gardening, and try not to comfort eat.
Have been stuck indoors since Tuesday with a head cold, which just won't go away so the slow cooker is busy on a daily basis making lentil & vegetable based soups as that's all I fancy eating.
@Galexinda I hope you feel better soon.
1.6lbs loss this week. Feeling cleansed :grin:
:like: :heart: :like: :heart:
Fantastic start and intentions, wonderful to see you all up and at it! Hope the poorly folk feel better soonest {{hugs}}
I've fasted until noon today, just enjoyed 2 soft boiled eggs and a small avocado, now finishing with a decaf coffee and cream.
I'm aiming to make an open baked chicken thigh and veggie casserole tonight so sticking to the real food mantra :0)
Keep going folks, we're more than worth it :grin: :lol: :bugeyes: :cool: :geek:
Well, I weighed in this morning and I'm only down .2 lbs. But, it's headed in the right direction anyway. I need to be a little stricter on my fast days this week and a bit on my non-fast days!
Well done to those of you who are already making inroads into the holiday weight gains! :victory:
I'm back after a Christmas/New year fast-free food feast and yesterday's 'official' weigh-in day showed 149 pounds! :shock: That's two pounds over my pre-November target and nine pounds over my current one! :shock: :cry: :shock: :cry: . Yesterday, quite by accident, became a fast day and this morning the scales showed 145.8 pounds, which makes 140 pounds seem far more achievable. :smile:
I returned to Pilates this morning, after a break of six weeks, and feel much better for it. Now I just need to get walking again and I should soon be back to where I was a couple of months ago! Fingers crossed! :grin:
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