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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Well, that is the aim... I have had a few days away and prior to that had friends staying, and managing my eating went out of the window. :cry: And there certainly wasn't any fasting.

So I am trying again to get into a routine of Wednesday and Saturday fast days, and attempting to get the evening snacking under control. But I can't think of any strategies that I am willing to do - and that I haven't yet tried - to help me stick to the plan. Novelty does help. I can't recall my first foray into 5:2 being difficult, and the weight came off easily and steadily. And I think I must have kept the evening snacking under better control. But over time the bad habits returned and now seem much harder to get rid of. :frown:


I have had a boiled egg this morning as I did some intensive exercise and I have read that it is important to have protein after such exercise and for the next 24 hours. Not sure if one boiled egg counts though.... I am also hoping it helps reduce the hunger pangs which I find I have great trouble handling now.

A lovely day in Melbourne. I am going to do a bit of weeding then off to the cinema to see "Breathe" - last chance today.

Best wishes to all! :clover: :smile:
I am fasting today, too. weight this morning 61.9 kg. Unlike the Melbourne weather, we have constant snow fall here now. It looks pretty but is cold outside. :smile:
Hope your day went well @Margotsylvia!

I managed to not eat til 7pm, apart from that boiled egg, but after that... It was still a light day, that is something.

I think I would rather have our heat than your cold. Occasional snow in winter would be special here, but we haven't had a "decent" snow fall in over 20 years.

Best wishes. :smile:
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