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Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 14:42
Hi guys,

Haven't posted for a while just been enjoying the lifestyle.
I went to give blood which I always do every 6 months but this time, the first time sinse starting 5:2, my Haemoglobin was low and I wasn't allowed to donate, I'm not worried just going to make sure I eat more iron rich food, just wondering if anyone else has had a problem with this? I know your harmoglobin gets lower the more you give blood but I've only done 4 donations.

All the best!
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 15:10
I gave blood fairly soon after starting 5:2 and didn't have a problem. I've never had a problem and I've made 50+ donations. I think the gap between donations is long enough for your haemoglobin levels to recover or they would run out of donors pretty quickly. I have had a quick look at the blood web site and it seems that levels can lower after platelet donations which are different.There is a lot of information on the website.
I hope you have better luck next time.
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 15:13
I only started 5:2 last week, and my next donation isn't until mid-August. I'll post again once I've been with my results.
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 16:12
I give blood regularly and even before 5:2 I sometimes got turned down for low haemoglobin my doctor has always been quite happy with my levels. Rather than risk turning up and waiting and then being sent away, I start taking iron supplements a week before ... or at least I do when I remember :oops:

I don't donate on a Fast day, but have donated both the afternoon after and afternoon before fasting with no ill effects
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 18:20
Lalalall wrote: I went to give blood which I always do every 6 months but this time, the first time sinse starting 5:2, my Haemoglobin was low and I wasn't allowed to donate, I'm not worried just going to make sure I eat more iron rich food, just wondering if anyone else has had a problem with this? I know your harmoglobin gets lower the more you give blood but I've only done 4 donations.

Being that you are female brings in the possible effects of TOTM which is another way to reduce iron content.

Having donated blood every 56 days for many years I haven't seen any effect of donating on a fast day other that my blood pressure over the last 3 trips has dropped from 120:70ish to 114:78 to 100:70 the last time.

Part of the reason for guys to donate is to keep iron levels under control.

Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 18:53
I've been a regular donor since I was 17 and once 'failed' the finger prick test. The staff were just coming to the end of their shift and decided to take the time to do a more sophisticated test which was found to be within the permissable range. I donated blood there and then.

I have given blood once since I started 5:2 and it was on a fast day (lack of planning on my part!). I had no ill effects at all, didn't eat the biscuits on offer and was fine later that evening and the following day!

Sounds like this time was blip, so don't be put off - regular blood donors are desperately needed.
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 22:59
Thanks guys! Good to know its not this WOE, I shall just look at my diet before and up the iron.
Re: Giving Blood
24 Jul 2013, 23:05
I wish I could give blood. I have high ferretin levels and need to reduce them as i don't have monthlies. But I received blood 27 years back and they won't allow me now.
Re: Giving Blood
31 Jul 2013, 22:44
My scales showed a half kilo loss this morning. I was really pleased, until I suddenly remembered that I'd had half a kilo of body fluid removed yesterday when I donated blood!

It's a very effective, if drastic, way of losing weight :grin:
Re: Giving Blood
31 Jul 2013, 23:13
I gave 50ml for scientific experiments yesterday on a fast day with no trouble. It took two tries but that's typical for me.
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