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The Foodies Corner

59 posts Page 1 of 4
Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 05:43
Now that I don't have to count every calorie that I consume I can start going through all my cookbooks. At the moment my favourite is The River Cottage Veg.
I also like my A4 binders that are full of recipes ripped out of papers and magazines.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 06:11
An old ring-bound diary is chock full of veggie recipes nowadays. The recipes come from magazines too. But I tend to look at a little pullout from a magazine which shows various 5:2 variations, very handy.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 06:52
I find my trusty iPad is more and more in use, this site for 5:2 days, I have gone through lots of recipes I have saved and I have tossed them out. Much more inclined to look at the cals.

My vegetarian books are getting more use. Sadly I have lost a bit of an urge to cook like I used to do. My newest cook book is Smitten Kitchen which is a beautiful book. As a matter of fact I am going to make from it over the weekend on a nonfast day pumpkin and caramelised onion galette
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 06:59
I have an old, battered copy of Cranks and some equally battered books by Rose Elliott but I subscribe to The Good Food magazine and I use their website almost daily.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 07:06
gillymary- I love Smitten Kitchen. I use the website though. The pear and almond tart is backflipping!
I had lots of cookery books which I had to leave behind and I miss them. Even though there is so much on line, there is nothing like a bit of bedtime reading.
Love Madhur Jaffrey's 'A taste of India' great recipes, beautiful photograhs and interesting writing explaining the background and culture. That, and Delia's 'How to cook" are the only hard copies I have here.
Must buy more...
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 07:19
I love Delicious Magazine. I work my way through the recipes each month. They even have some suitable for fast days, or which can be tweeked. I am an addict for cookbooks but I always go back to Delicious.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 07:31
I love Flash Cooking by Laura Santini. Fresh healthy unusual recipes. However I keep going back to all my Nigella books too. I have a bookshelf fully f food porn. I just love reading cookbooks!
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 08:32
I have so many and love Delia, but my favourite cook books to look at are the handwritten, scruffy, battered but cherished books of my two late grandmothers. I love the scrawled messages in the margins, the comments about what went well at various dinner parties, who enjoyed things, and the sources of the recipes.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 08:37
Soup by Debra Mayhew and the bbc food website.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 21:43
Delia hardbacks, BBC Good Food website for quick everyday meals and Joanne Wheatley (winner of 2011 Great British Bake Off) because she is so lovely and her books are great, the recipes are so homely.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 21:58
I'm a big fan of the classic Moosewood cookbook. Otherwise I get a lot of recipes from the New York Times. I liked Mark Bittman's recipes when he was doing that instead of writing a column. His 101 salad ideas is my Bible in the summer.
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
16 Aug 2013, 22:31
Delia's books are great - I have the original 'Cakes' one from years ago ... The newest one I like is 'The Hairy Dieters' - everything's got cals on, but looks like normal food. Have also got the 'Moro' one (found secondhand in Barter Books in Alnwick!) which is good if feeling like experimenting with something a bit more unusual
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
17 Aug 2013, 02:06
My current favorites are

Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo
Everyday Greens by Anne Somerville
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
17 Aug 2013, 07:39
Oh yes Tracieknits! Haven't tried the Rachel Khoo, but was charmed by her series on tv earlier this year - must look this one up! :wink:
Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?
17 Aug 2013, 08:15
Nigel Slater, Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) and currently Hairy Dieters. Love their Spanish Style Chicken Bake and the Masala Marinated Chicken.
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