I lost half a stone a while back, but then found out I was pregnant with my, now 2 year old, little boy ... So I pigged out while I was pregnant and it all went downhill again!
I got postnatal depression which led to crazy amounts of comfort eating. I'm out of the depression now, finally, and need to start shifting this vile weight, so I can feel like me again.
I started just eating less on July 28th, and have lost 4lbs, and today I started the 4:3, I fasted today and it was easy thank goodness. I had fizzy water through the day, and 400cal stirfry with quorn 'chicken' pieces and sweet chilli sauce for my evening meal. I also had half a marzipan biscuit at 50cals.
So, So far so good! Feed day tomorrow, really hoping I don't overdo it. I'm not actually hungry at the moment so I've got high hopes!
I'll post my measurements etc tomorrow