The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

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A new start towards a new me
09 Nov 2014, 17:09
Today is my first fast day for about a year. I am now about two stone heavier than I was when I had to stop fasting meaning I have approximately 6 stone or so to lose :cry: It's been a bit tough but I am looking forward to my stir fry tonight (carefully calorie counted of course) and I am feeling like however tough it is I can do it.

I didn't want to stop fasting but I started getting really ill and very low energy and on fast days it was intolerable. I have a blood disorder called antiphospholipid syndrome which is autoimmune in nature and initially thought that was the cause of the problems. It turned out that, while the APS is causing some of my symptoms I also have severe obstructive sleep apnoea (and it took months of waiting and tests to get the diagnosis and even more to get the treatment started). A sleep study showed I was stopping breathing an average of 108 times every hour, accounting for the constant exhaustion I was suffering. I am now the slightly disgruntled owner of a cpap machine and have to sleep with a mask strapped to my face every night. It's not sexy, dignified or even comfortable but it's working and as weight loss is the only chance of getting rid of the sleep apnoea permanently I am back and this time it's going to happen.

I have a history of compulsive overeating and 5:2 is the only weight loss regime I have found which doesn't trigger it. At this stage in my life I am a physical wreck, I have several medical issues ranging from minor to severe, bad skin and hair like straw, fitness levels an 85 year old would be ashamed of (I'm 37), a major history of depression including SAD and two breakdowns, and perhaps unsurprisingly low self esteem - I am not my biggest fan at the best of times and this is not the best of times.

Taking all that into account I know this will be a long and sometime difficult process but I have no choice, I need to do something and it has to be now. I have to start slowly and work up to my full action plan so as not to aggravate any medical issues. This week is one fast (today), learning some back strengthening exercises, and figuring out what I can eat while fasting at work. Next week will be two fasts and a couple more exercises added. I think exercise is going to be key for e but my fitness levels are so feeble I have to be patient with myself (something I do not find easy).

It's going to be one hell of a journey but I have taken that all important first step today.
@phoenix77What an appropriate forum name you have chosen as you can now rise again and give yourself a new start like that mythical bird! Welcome back and the best of luck on your journey. You will find all the advice and support you need to succeed from the friendly members of this forum.
Welcome back to fasting @phoenix77, loads of support available here. However long it takes we will keep following you, so please keep us up-to-date on your progress and the very best of luck. Lovely avatar!
Hello @phoenix77 and a very warm welcome back from me too. As you say it is the little steps that help and that is what I love about 52 and the forum, slow and steady is the best ... it makes me feel SO comfortable and on my track. Loads of helpful support and fun coming your way - Lizbean X
Every success in your new journey, @phoenix77. :clover:
Big welcome @phoenix77. Thank you for your brave opening post. I applaud your decision to take charge of your life at this point and wish you so much success in the journey from today. Please join the Fasting Today threads because I think it is so helpful to know you are not alone on fast days. You know - the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.... so true. We are here for you.
Welcome back and Well done phoenix on your first fast day
I think your plan to start slow and add a little exercise each week makes sense
Keep an eye open for the Fasting Today thread on days when you plan to fast..also look out for the Scenic Route thread ( where people are taking it slowly but surely and the Mountaineering Tent ( where we talk about obstacles on our road thru life) x x
@phoenix77 - I can really identify with you and your struggle........

I started with about 7 stone to lose - after I had lost the first stone I started back at exercise classes and they are really helping - I am really motivated to get stronger and fitter.
I too have been a compulsive overeater in the past and find that 5:2 has really helped with this. My husband has sleep apnoea so I know how difficult the masks can be but it really is worth the indignity and perseverance - you will feel so much better when getting "proper" sleep.

Well done for getting back here - hang in there and you will reach your goal

:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hi @phoenix77, welcome and well done you for taking this step. As others have said, lots of support here, just keep posting! Very best wishes. :clover: :heart: :clover:
Welcome to the forum, @phoenix77, and welcome back to fasting.

I've been reading a lot of Yoni Freedhoff lately, over at One of the things he is on about all the time is choosing a sustainable lifestyle for weight loss. Too much suffering is bad, and usually leads to regain. I.e., slow is better. It does require patience, though. Intermediate goals help.

Good luck with your journey!
Hello and welcome. Use the progress tracker, measure and keep it simple.
Good luck from me. :clover:
@phoenix77 - I echo what the others have said. I was overweight (obese, mostly) for most of my life (since about 9 and I'm 51 now), and completely miserable and now I'm not and it is only 5 2 that has ever worked for me. I have found it completely doable without feeling 'on a diet' all the time - it has really reduced my urges to binge too; I have ups and downs in my weight loss (as you can see from the tracker) but if you stick with it (even if you have bad days) it will work. I have radically changed how I eat - I eat far fewer carbs than I used to but I still have treats and eat out and all that - it has just changed my attitude to food and eating. Good luck and keep going! :-)
Thank you all for your support. It really does make a big difference knowing there are people who understand and at various stages of their own journeys cheering me on. It can be lonely trying to change the habits which have comforted you for years even if you know they are killing you, and even though I know there will be bad days (like today) I know we'll get there.

Today has been a bad day - and I mean McDonalds breakfast, two doughnuts and a proper lunch bad :cry: I understand the reasons behind it though. My step-mum died this morning and I have been smothering my feelings with high fat carbs, the oldest habits are the hardest to break I guess. I am not beating myself up too much though, just promising myself that tomorrow will be a better day.

I'm going to set up my progress tracker tonight and we're having 5:2 book turkey burgers with roasted butternut squash tonight so at least that's damage limitation.
Well done, @phoenix77! Damage limitation is the way to go! Much better than throwing in the towel and binging for the rest of the day (or week, month or year) ! :smile:
phoenix77 wrote: My step-mum died this morning.
Condolences on your bereavement - even when these things are to be expected, they can still be an emotional ambush. Look after yourself, @phoenix77.
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