Pragmatic? Realistic? Apprehensive? Dubious?
I'm not sure exactly which words to use to describe my feelings upon starting this 5:2 journey but it's a mixture of those mentioned. I believe the research. I believe the evidence. But I found it hard to ignore a lifetime of being told that you must never, ever allow yourself to go hungry. It's the one diet rule all serial dieters take as gospel. If you allow yourself to go hungry the world will end. Or the fridge will be raided. Both are equally bad.
So I took a leap of faith and gave it a try.
Fast 1- not too bad, hungry but busy, managed ok.
Fast 2- a bit more difficult but kept busy again and the day soon ended.
Fast 3- this ended up being a day early, so was actually my 3rd fast in 7 days instead of the first one of the second week. Being flexible is part of the appeal of 5:2 and I was going out for dinner the next day. Anyway, it wasn't too bad. I went for a 3k run and coped quite well (ankle injury means I'm having to build up my training again)
I weighed myself at the end of Fast 3.
I had been away for the weekend between Fasts 1 and 2 and had fallen in love with Rikorderlig Strawberry and Lime Cider, which I daren't look up, but I imagine holds many delicious calories, so I wasn't holding out much hope.
I lost 7lbs.
Half a stone! In one week! I am not entirely convinced my method of weighing myself (wii fit) isn't broken or flawed, but for now, I'll take 7lbs! (No change in waist measurement).
Fast 4 was a tough one. My husband was shouted at a lot during Fast 4.
Fast 5 is going to be tomorrow. I'm considering doing two in a row as I have eaten a lot of homemade cookies and had fish and chips last night. I've also eaten a lot of bread today. I don't seem to have grasped the concept of staying within your normal calorie limit on non fast days.
Reading on here, people seem to say that 2 in a row is acceptable, so I'll give it a whirl as we have a busy weekend of socialising coming up!
So, I'm still feeling a little apprehensive. I think the 7lbs lost may have just been water retention which has then been regained along with some other unwanted pounds.
I suppose only time will tell.
7lbs down. 72lbs to go.