I did 5:2 about a year ago and lost around a stone, the most weight I have ever lost.. I felt amazing! Then life got in the way (as it does, but shouldn't be an excuse!) and I put it all back on, and then some. Attempted to restart a few months ago here but wanted a really quick weight loss and tried ADF. It just wasn't for me, I just kept binging and then not being very good on fast days, so got obviously disappointing results and thought F it! But I know that this is the only diet for me, and I do really like it. So here we go!
Attempting to do 500 calorie days on Mondays and Thursdays like most people, as these are normal working days. On non-fast days I am going to still calorie count, as I have a problem with binging.. I tend to take 'eat whatever you want' as 'eat everything chocolatey and sweet in sight'!! So trying to stick to around 1200 calories on non-fast days, but will go up to 1400 if needed. I'm also planning to run 3 times a week, plus some light exercise additionally.
Fasting tomorrow (Wednesday) and Saturday this week I think, as I already missed Monday. Wish me luck, and good luck in all your journeys!!