So today is fasting day number one, they say if you record how you're doing there's a better chance of sticking to it too so here goes. I am also using myfitnesspal to record everything I eat.
Today was banana and a clemantine for a late-breakfast/brunch. Bananas always keep me going and clemantines take my sweet-tooth away temporarily. I also have started drinking a cup of hot boiling water with lemon in the morning as its helping me cut down my squash intake (apple + blackcurrant to be precise, robinsons) + helps with your digestion process aparently.
Dinner was 6 home-made mini pancakes (29 calories a ago!) with smoked salmon, low fat creme chese, and sugar + lemon.
Not the balanced start but not bad considering its pancake day & Im on holiday from work.
Over n out for today. Really enjoying this site so far!
My only issue is when to plan the next fast day! Will be travelling tomorrow + having goodbye dinner with the rents (already bought toffee cheesecake!) so may well leave it until friday. But is that far away enough? I dont know ! Maybe I will try the on off way. But tomorrow is definately not fasting day haha give me strength..