My goal is 130lbs. Fasting start weight 149lbs. Present weight 144.5lbs! I think that's just phenomenal. I've never, ever, ever had a such easy weight loss. And I've tried many diets, even the grapefruit and toast diet. Seriously, yuck.
So two years ago, I began reading Good Calories, Bad Calories. I saw Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Then read Atkins and tried to go low carb. That got me a nice 15 pound weight loss. I started at 175lbs post baby number #2.
So then I plateaued and thought I just needed to go back to induction and really restrict the carbs again and watch my protein and fats. I started a strenuous exercise regime and saw a small move on the needle but my hunger was off the charts. It made for some pretty depressing days. I exercised hard and all I could think about were carbs, cookies, cake, fresh fruit and my achilles heel, chocolate. You name it, I wanted it. It had been a long time since I had eaten anything sweet and yummy and I was cracking. Yes, I've read the scientific journal articles and load of materials about the connection between sugars, insulin and western disease. I have close family members with all of these diseases, high blood cholesterol, cancer, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, hight blood pressure and Alzheimer's. And yet I still want, even today, that cookie.
Which brought me back to 155 lbs. I had gained back about 7 lbs from my lowest on Atkins. I started to feel really deprived and it made living low carb increasingly difficult.
Then I heard about 5:2 and started to read and read and read about intermittent fasting. Which then brought me to this lovely forum.
My first fast was on 5/11/14. I'm totally new at this and still trying to work out how the fast will work for me.
One thing that I'm really curious about is that recently, as in the last three fasts, it's been getting increasingly easier. I've found that I can skip breakfast naturally and yet still prepare my kids with bacon, eggs and toast without wanting a nibble.
Also, which is a big surprise to me after the last two fasts, the following morning I was 100% not hungry. Not at all, not even a little bit. I felt light and empty but with no desire to eat. So, I ate a small amount of food. One egg and one piece of toast with my usual coffee. Then at lunch, again not really hungry. So I ate about 1/3 of a normal portion and felt very full. I'm really curious, has anyone else experienced this? Is it that my stomach is shrinking or that I've started to constantly burn my own fat for fuel? I'm also down another 1.5lbs this week!