Pre 5:2: I exercised, active lifestyle, but big sweet tooth which often lead to bingeing which I've never gained control over. I'm 5 ft 8 with a healthy BMI but would like to be slimmer like I used to be pre over eating.
Started last Tuesday 7th Jan. That day I had severe headache, had two small meals and felt poorly going to bed. Fine the next day, felt refreshed.
That Friday 10th: survived much better with 1/2 Oxo cube in hot water for lunch, then a nice healthy 500 cal dinner
Had a treat-filled weekend... :S
Yesterday (Monday 13th): chicken oxo again, then nice dinner (slightly over cals I think, but better than nothing, right?!)
today I had a big celebratory dinner out, feeling guilty now and not as slim as this morning (which is pretty ridiculous probably!).
So I think I'm going to aim for Monday and Thursday fasts. Overall I've found I've been more alert, fitter, aware of portions/food in general and more in control
However I also worry about me treating myself!! It could either a) all end up as fat cos my body anticipates the fasts to come, or b) i'll still lose weight/not gain as I have always treated myself, before this WOL. What do you guys think?
I'm also feeling so worried about my meal tonight I'm wondering whether to fast tomorrow, but I will be doing 3 hours of dance, does that matter? It would fit better to do Thurs but I'm worried cos of big meal tonight.
I basically think I need to be told I can do this... haha x