I've always been unhappy with my stomach - basically it sticks out too much imo. I started on my weight loss journey in 2007 when I was 12 stones 11lbs and had taken a month to recover from a chest infection. My knees and back ached every so often, and I was starting to get acid reflux at night. I couldn't remember the last time I exercised. I gradually introduced exercise and eating more healthily. I was size 16 and I've managed to get in to size 8 at Next since changing my lifestyle.
I ate fairly healthily before 5:2 but a stone had crept on since September as I had to cut down on exercise due to a hip injury. I tend to do exercise dvds at home - Jillian Michaels and Davina McCall are my favourites. I like rebounding on a mini trampoline and using weights (not while using the trampoline). I mix it up as I get bored fairly easily. I also walk regularly in the summer months - often walking part of the way home from work.
I saw the Horizon programme last year and tried 5:2 on my own. I was doing back to back fasting days - Monday & Tuesday. I gave up after 3 weeks. I found it too tough and my bodyfat had gone up according to my scales. (Salter Maxview). When I saw Michael Moseley's posts on Twitter about the book I thought now was the time to start again. I'm more concerned about bodyfat as mine appears to be on the most dangerous part - the stomach. I'm also fascinated by the other long term benefits. And the plan has been backed up by science.
A month on the plan. My results: lost 5lbs, bodyfat down 1.98%age points, lost 1″ from stomach, 1/2″ from hips. Muscle is up by 1.03%age points.
Since the start of the year my chest has reduced by 1.5",thighs by 1" and calves by 1/2". Biceps are unchanged.
Since Lent started I have tried to avoid as much sugar as possible, so no biscuits, chocolate (used to eat dark chocolate every day - I mean EVERY day), sweets and no crisps. I’ve only done 4 exercise dvd routines since starting this plan, but I have continued to take the stairs and walk. I use public transport to commute to work so I am fairly active at the start and end of the working day although I have a desk job.
The last fast day I found the easiest yet. I have been having breakfast and lunch but I’m going to experiment this week and try breakfast and dinner, with an apple as a mid-day snack.
So, the plan is working.