I officially started the 5:2 diet on the 4th February 2013 and wanted to give a progress report now I have the first full month of this WOE under my belt!
First a bit about me: I'm 31, have never been a yo-yo dieter or badly overweight, but like so many of us I have just very slowly put on weight...only about a pound or so a year, but after 10 years it all really adds up! I also had my first baby in April last year who is now nearly one year old. I managed to shift the majority of the baby weight quite easily but was been stuck on a plateau for the last 6 months at around 11st2, which for my height of 5ft6 pushed me into the overweight category and left me uncomfortable wedged into my pre-pregnancy clothes.
I went back to work in January this year after maternity leave, and just being away from home and the temptation of constant snacking allowed me to drop a few pounds over January to 10st12. Then I decided it was time to start 5:2! My husband and our two best friends all jumped on board too which has been a massive help in keeping me going, and we all spur each other on through the difficult days.
At the beginning of the diet I set myelf some reward targets, e.g. at 10st7 I would buy a new perfume, at 10st4 a new dress and at 10st2 a new lipstick. Never in a million years did I think I would already have smashed all those targets in just 4 weeks on the diet! I will have to plan something really nice as a treat when I see that magic 9stone something on the scales...a number I don't think I've seen sine I was 23yrs old but at my current rate is only a couple of weeks away!
Absolutely loving this diet so far, loving getting my body confidence back and loving rediscovering all those clothes in my wardrobe that I couldnt quite zip up...they are all starting to fit again! Its like getting a whole new wardrobe back

Thanks for reading
Starting weight on 4th Feb 2013 10st12
Current weight 8th March 10st2