The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

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Hello Everyone!

I officially started the 5:2 diet on the 4th February 2013 and wanted to give a progress report now I have the first full month of this WOE under my belt!

First a bit about me: I'm 31, have never been a yo-yo dieter or badly overweight, but like so many of us I have just very slowly put on weight...only about a pound or so a year, but after 10 years it all really adds up! I also had my first baby in April last year who is now nearly one year old. I managed to shift the majority of the baby weight quite easily but was been stuck on a plateau for the last 6 months at around 11st2, which for my height of 5ft6 pushed me into the overweight category and left me uncomfortable wedged into my pre-pregnancy clothes.

I went back to work in January this year after maternity leave, and just being away from home and the temptation of constant snacking allowed me to drop a few pounds over January to 10st12. Then I decided it was time to start 5:2! My husband and our two best friends all jumped on board too which has been a massive help in keeping me going, and we all spur each other on through the difficult days.
At the beginning of the diet I set myelf some reward targets, e.g. at 10st7 I would buy a new perfume, at 10st4 a new dress and at 10st2 a new lipstick. Never in a million years did I think I would already have smashed all those targets in just 4 weeks on the diet! I will have to plan something really nice as a treat when I see that magic 9stone something on the scales...a number I don't think I've seen sine I was 23yrs old but at my current rate is only a couple of weeks away!

Absolutely loving this diet so far, loving getting my body confidence back and loving rediscovering all those clothes in my wardrobe that I couldnt quite zip up...they are all starting to fit again! Its like getting a whole new wardrobe back :grin:

Thanks for reading

Starting weight on 4th Feb 2013 10st12
Current weight 8th March 10st2
Fantastic Gail!

Hope I'll be saying the same soon.
Well done Gail.

My stats are very similar to you (apart from my age!) - I am about 5ft 6 and started at around 10st 11 - last Sunday when I weighed I was 10st 2 and like you I am looking forward to seeing 9 something on the scales!!

It really does work with minimum effort doesn't it!

Good luck and continue to enjoy the treats - you deserve them!
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