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Portion control
19 Mar 2013, 22:48
My OH does all the cooking, and he cooks fantastically well (therein lies part of my problem!)

He's being TREMENDOUSLY supportive about 5:2 & we've found some lovely low cal recipes that he's taking on as a challenge :)

BUT he went away this afternoon, so I've been in control & as I am the way I am I've been checking weights & calories ....... Scarey!

He left me instructions to add 2 pots of yoghurt into the curry - the recipe says low fat & these weren't - I couldn't check the calories (no longer had the multipack packaging) so I don't know the damage, so I only used 1 & added some milk

We have wholegrain rice with curry & he does 1 cup between 2 of us. In order to stay below 100 cals I needed to have less than 1/4 of a cup!

But, worst of all, him having checked that wine is about 85 calories, I've been allowing myself a glass if I've been good ..... But just to be safe I double-checked .... It's 85 calories for 100gms. Having now weighed my wine (first time in my life I've weighed wine!) I can tell you that 100g is a VERY SMALL glass of wine :(

So ...... clearly I've been eating considerably less calories, but not as few as I should. Without wanting to become obsessed I clearly need to insist a little more on the portion control!
Re: Portion control
20 Mar 2013, 05:42
It sounds as though things are in control most of the time so I wouldn't worry about it this time. Even though I cook most of the time, when my husband goes away I usually treat myself a bit more. I figure if he is away having fun then I should relax also.
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