Guess I need to start documenting my 5:2 journey.
Too ashamed of my measurements to make my progress tracker public, but need something to keep me honest, hence the thread.
To reiterate, when I started this, I came into the diet with the I detests ding I had weight to lose. Always been on the heavier side of things, even from childhood. Been a big kid both in terms of size and weight. I have huge square shoulders, which helps conceal the extra weight. I just did not realise how much.
When I signed on here, I entered my data into the progress tracker and realised from my BMI that I am classified as obese!
Started my first fast on Wednesday, with the second on Friday.
First week was a little screwy as I did not plan very well, and could not work out the best days to fast. My long term plans are fast days Monday and Wednesday.
Progress has been relatively good. My fasts entail no food from dinner the night before the fast day until dinner of the fast day, where I will take a meal, keeping to within the 600 calories. Then nothing until breakfast the next day. So 600 calories in approximately 36 hours give or take.
The other days are back to my normal eating patterns. I have not consciously gone out of my way to change my diet, but feel that I do not eat as much on the feast days even though I can.
This week, we even had a function on Saturday at our place with guests and entertaining food, which means yummy food and a tendency to over indulge.
Did a weigh in today, Sunday and the results are not too bad.
While I will not reveal my starting weights, I can say I lost 2.1kg this week.
Now to see how I go in week 2.