The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Ellenk's progress
10 May 2013, 16:30
I completed my 15th fast yesterday, been on this WAE just over 7 weeks.

Down just over 17 pounds and one pant size.

This is incredible. Easiest loss ever..well not at the hungry times, but the freedom from thinking about eating all the time is wonderful.
Re: Ellenk's progress
10 May 2013, 17:37
Hello Ellenk,
That is great progress. You must be delighted. Sounds as though you've cracked it and are a convert to this WOL. I know exactly what you mean about the psychological effect - the freeing of your mind from endless calorie calculations is so liberating! Lang may yer lum reek! (as we say in Scotland!) Loose translation into English may your success continue! :smile:
Re: Ellenk's progress
10 May 2013, 19:18

and thank for the translation...I've always wondered what a lum is and why wishing it to stink would be a good thing!
Re: Ellenk's progress
10 May 2013, 19:22
Great stuff, I Have been doing this a month and am finding I am getting full quicker :)
Re: Ellenk's progress
13 May 2013, 21:15
Monday May 13, fast #16.

I've channeled my tendency to weigh daily into just four or so times a week...the morning of a fast and the morning following. It's charting out on a graph as an interesting pattern. Pre fast weights vary a lot more than post fast, showing a general downward trend with some sizable bounces. Post fast weights show a steady decline with a lot less bounciness. Seeing this, I don't worry about a couple pound gain over the weekend, it's most likely water gain and will be gone and then some by friday.

I'm in a size smaller jean and my t-shirts are getting comfortably baggy.

I've had quite the insomnia the last week; combination of coughing from a cold and yada yada overdrive.

I'm making an effort to stay up much later than usual. I just started weaving a set of placemats so it's very easy to stay up very late....but then I get to bed and start thinking about a project for my new loom and the yada yadas start up.
Tuesday May 28; rough day
28 May 2013, 20:28
I was down 18 pounds as of Saturday morning, but then it was a holiday weekend here in the US< bracketed by a community pancake breakfast saturday and a cookout monday evening, where every other person brought a cheesecake. However I ate pretty well the rest of the weekend having spent most of it obsessively weaving (took the placemats off one loom last night and weaving a runner on the new loom), which limits snacking, so maybe this morning wouldn't have been such bad news, but I skipped it anyway.

today is a rough fast day. I'm freezing, which is due more to the continuation of the 6 month process to upgrade the AC in my office building, than fast day cold effect, though that's not helping matters. AC blasting and no tempering heat yet, 15C and drafty. And it's chilly/rainy outside, so I can't get out and get warmer doing outside work. I'm craving HOT comfort food. I've had a mug of miso soup and lots of tea and am counting the minutes until I get home, where it's likely to be chilly as well, but at least there I'll either be moving or sitting with a lapful of cats and dog to keep me warm.
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