The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Nickys Progress
15 Jan 2013, 12:35
Well. My first fast day was a breeze compared to the usual 'what can I eat, how many points is in that, is that free or Syns, etc etc'..... A total relief to just forget about food until evening and then go to bed early.

Yesterday felt utterly liberating :D eating 'normally' all day ..... However, I soon realised that my 'normal' isn't normal. I am capable of overeating by a massive amount! Consequently I am going to need to do the 4:3 rather than 5:2 for the time being. I am not unhappy about this at all, quite the contrary :)

So here I am on my second fasting day, black coffee in hand and feeling very well indeed.

My Fast days will be - Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.

I'll report back here on Sunday morning with the end of week weigh in :D
Re: Nickys Progress
15 Jan 2013, 21:59
I'm impressed, you know what you need to do!
How many cals do you think you are having on a feast day?
Good luck for your next fast
Re: Nickys Progress
16 Jan 2013, 20:43
My normal daily food was probably up around 2500 per day sometimes more. So until my appetite calms down on feed days I will attempt 4:3.

I've completed 2 fasts this week and my third will be tomorrow giving me Friday and Saturday to really relax, have some wine and maybe a take away on Saturday after some serious playing in the snow which has been forecast LOL :-)

To be honest I've felt so good on fast days Im actually looking forward to tomorrow! I had lots of energy, felt my mood was 'up' and just loved the idea that I was going to have a normal food day the next day.

Fast days have felt no more difficult than any other diet would have felt - slimming world, calorie counting etc., because I could just switch off from it and look forward to tomorrow.

It's amazing so far :-)

Hope you're getting on well too?
Re: Nickys Progress
20 Jan 2013, 07:52
Not a massive result for a week with 3 fast days - 2lb off

I know why though, I was treating my feed days as a free for all :-) I am the worlds worst for eating what I want when I want sometimes, and it feels as though these fast days have given me a subconscious reason to pig out LOL

So this week I am really going to try hard to eat like a normal person and not a glutton on feed days.

Fast days this week - Monday, and Thursday with a possible Friday.
Re: Nickys Progress
20 Jan 2013, 08:37
BUT .... you've still lost 2 pound!

I think when starting this off you need to eat as you would normally on those feast days so you can see if theres anything you need to change.

Don't be grumpy, do a happy dance 'coz you've lost 2 pounds :P
Re: Nickys Progress
20 Jan 2013, 09:26
2lbs is great Nicky. Check out the pic in my progress report........ you have lost TWO of these!!
Re: Nickys Progress
20 Jan 2013, 14:29
Cheers folks :-) I'm happy :-)
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