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2 articles of interest
07 Nov 2013, 00:16
Here are two articles from today's student newspaper at Cornell. Note the name of the speaker and the name of the auditoreum in the first article LOL! ... o-obesity/ ... se-weight/
Re: 2 articles of interest
07 Nov 2013, 00:56
Thank you for that Marybeth. You are right, great name!!! The food industry would hate us, eating less, saving money. I guess that is why a new industry is growing up around 5:2, to compensate for less supplements, special foods etc.
Re: 2 articles of interest
07 Nov 2013, 08:44
The second link, about skipping breakfast, is saying the same thing as a book I have from 100 years ago - "No-Breakfast Plan and The Fasting Cure" by Edward Hooker Dewey, MD. Published 1900, free on Amazon Kindle. What goes around comes around...
Re: 2 articles of interest
07 Nov 2013, 08:56
I have read this too. Amazingly there is very little new on this planet! Just forgotten ;0)
Re: 2 articles of interest
07 Nov 2013, 08:57
Scary that so many people are obese but malnourished because they eat processed foods. I am obese but I try to eat healthy unprocessed foods, after all why/how can I trust a food manufacturer with my health when all they want is my money?
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