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Following on to my link to photos of 100 calorie foods - here is a slideshow with 50 snacks under 100 cals. Maybe too much of a good thing but fun and interesting :

Hope the link works okay !!!
Thank you for that lovemyparrot!(love the name lol)

Very interesting especially in pics!

Canned pumpkin?! Quelle horreur! :dazed:

(Thanks for the link)
I think as American crimes against food go canned pumpkin is a pretty minor offense.
:lol: True! Your post made me start to think of some and it's a pretty infinite list.

Squirty canned cheese - like whipped cream - (what the actual what?!), deep fried whole turkey done in a 44 gallon drum, and deep fried battered bacon are right up there.
Great link lovemyparrot, ta.
Not all american food crimes taste bad. I love the dairy stuff you can get that is in the freezer section of the s market that is a cross between ice cream whipped cream and icing. I think its called cool whip. Or dairy whip Terribly bad for you, but so yum. Just as well I cant buy it in NZ :lol: :razz:
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