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There are three articles that started yesterday on the BBC News Magazine on IF about a new study on the benefits, affects etc of fasting that maybe of interest. The link is via the BBC website & the first article is IF Trying it out for size. Today's is called Licking the bowl & the third is tomorrow. The article is by Peter Bowes.
I'm sorry but I am not sufficiently computer literate to know how to add the link but today you get to it by going to BBC News site & on the right hand side is today's article Licking the bowl with the link to the first one at the bottom of the article. I hope it is of interest.
Hi Isis, I'm sure someone will figure it out! I read the first article and found that it was based on multi day fasting which sounds thoroughly painful to me!
Debs wrote: Hi Isis, I'm sure someone will figure it out! I read the first article and found that it was based on multi day fasting which sounds thoroughly painful to me!

thanks for posting @Isis

i read it @Debs... crikies. they must be kidding

these meals are extremely low in calories - about 1,000 on day one and 500 for each of the next four days.

no way can anyone endure that.
Thanks for this @Isis & @Debs for the link, seems a bit extreme doesn't it? :heart:
I read it 1000 cals and then 500 for every other day?!! Are they MAD? - who wants to eat spinach soup 4 nights on the trot, and kale? This is a good example of a diet that no one can stick to because it's too horrible for words!! :confused:
Just read this too.....
Conflict of Interests:
The study is funded by USC and sponsored by L-Nutra, a spin-off company from USC, which makes the food. The company's founder, Dr Valter Longo, is the Director of USC's Longevity Institute.

He is not allowed to have anything to do with the collection and analysis of data during the study, although under the university's ethics rules, he is permitted to be a "co-investigator".

"The conflict of interest is handled above of me (by USC's Conflict of Interest Review Committee) meaning that every year I get reviewed as a founder of the company and as a professor," says Longo.

The company produces food, designed in a clinical setting, which can be relied upon for a clinical trial.

"Our idea is to figure this out scientifically and clinically here at USC and then let the company sell it for a fairly reasonable price," Longo says.

It doesn't look too appetising does it?
I like the ingredients in the energy bar, a wholesome mix.
Seems unnecessarily harsh on the body to do five days heavy restriction, psychologically unappealing, almost built to fail?
I've been fasting IF for a year on the 4th of January because I can vary between 16/8 or 5/2 or 6/1 or 20/4 and still benefit without exhausting my patience.
A more realistic study must surely be done soon please?
I agree about the bar Auriga, but make my own protein balls based on very similar ingredients, so that cuts out the middle man too!
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