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Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 08:29
Link to BBC article
Interestingly, has a wee bit on longer term effects, but not much.
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 08:48
Thank you Janeg for the link & it also mentions the programme The men who made us thin that I will watch this evening. As a yo yo dieter I also believe that slimming clubs do not make you slim, the problem for me has been not being able to maintain the loss of weight when reaching my goal weight because life gets in the way with emotional ups & downs with pregnancies, bereavement & just not wanting to continuously count calories everyday. I am hoping 5:2ing will be different with losing weight more slowly so ones body adjusts better & the additional benefits of fasting. :clover:
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 08:54
I think it is well established that weight comes off and then goes back on thus 'dieting' in the sense that it is used now just doesn't work. It will be really interesting to see how the long term stuff from 5:2 pans out. Anecdotally is seems that the way we are eating is being retrained which appears to be the way to sustain the weight loss. I'll be watching carefully in 5 and 10 years for the results. So hoping that they are positive...
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 09:02
EVERY diet known to woman works, EVERY diet known to woman fails at some point as they are unsustainable as a way of life. They are also BIG business and make money from our failures. I know someone who has been going to weight watchers for at least 20 years and she is morbidly obese, what is the point of that other than the money she has wasted over the years throwing it into the WW money pit?

This is where 5:2 is different, and, SUCCESSFUL!It works and there is support on here for those who need it, perfect!It costs nothing so there is no sub text to keep you buying their products, paying for someone else to weigh you and generally demoralising you.

Like everything else, this will not work for 100% of the population for various reasons but, for me, this has been life changing and continues to be.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 11:03
I think that like everything else, slimming clubs work for some people. I don't wish they didnt exist, because even though only 16% of people keep the weight loss, at least that is 16% that maybe wouldnt have otherwise which is a blessing.

I suspect that the reason that there is some success though is because at least with slimming groups there is an impact on the mental attitude to food for those people. Those people who keep the weight off probably were motivated to keep the weight off because the group scenario worked for them.

My GP said somthing to me a few months ago, she said 'at the end of the day only you can choose what you put your mouth'. And that's the crux of the matetr isn't it? No one food is to blame, doughnuts aren't raining down from the clouds into our mouths and pixies arent force feeding us cake in our sleep. The only way you can change your health, and your weight, is if you re-assess your attitude to food and what you are eating. That's probably why 5:2 seems to be so successful, because it is about your attitude to eating.

And as for the 86% who dont maintain their weight loss, that's probably because they're still stuck thinking that paying membership somehow negates what they've eaten...and that their 'diet' or mindset only applies when they're sitting in those meetings and goes out the window when they go home...
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 11:09
"doughnuts aren't raining down from the clouds into our mouths and pixies aren't force feeding us cake in our sleep. ".........Oh well, that's another belief out the window. Loseitlyd, are you sure about that, I mean, REALLY sure? :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 11:29
Ballerina, sadly not true I'm afraid. Quite like the idea of baked-treat based rain though!
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 11:39
:cry: :starving: :cry: :curse: :cry: :frown: :confused: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Do Slimming Clubs Work?
08 Aug 2013, 12:22
pixies do it to me
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