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I can't, or I don't?
19 Oct 2013, 22:10
I found this article very interesting, about the difference between telling yourself that you 'don't' do something, rather than 'can't' do something, and thought it could be applied to eating choices. ... ed-refusal
Re: I can't, or I don't?
20 Oct 2013, 06:00
Interesting. Will put to the test.
Re: I can't, or I don't?
20 Oct 2013, 07:31
I think that's probably very true :like:
Re: I can't, or I don't?
20 Oct 2013, 07:38
Interesting. Thanks
Re: I can't, or I don't?
20 Oct 2013, 09:14
Yes i believe it works.. I put this into practice a long time ago
My example is, i learnt to drive aged 38.. I was a very nervous driver,hated it,decided not to put myself thru the stress,stay on the bus and train
I noticed if i said to people " i can't drive" i felt a bit of a failure,whereas " i don't drive" reflected the situation more truly i.e., " i can drive but i choose not to"! And made me feel less of a failure!
And of course to say ( maybe on a fast day) i dont eat that today rather than i cant eat that today is more empowering coz it implies you have made a choice for yourself..a choice that your future self will thank ypu for
Re: I can't, or I don't?
20 Oct 2013, 09:20
CandiceMarie wrote: Yes i believe it works.. I put this into practice a long time ago
My example is, i learnt to drive aged 38.. I was a very nervous driver,hated it,decided not to put myself thru the stress,stay on the bus and train
I noticed if i said to people " i can't drive" i felt a bit of a failure,whereas " i don't drive" reflected the situation more truly i.e., " i can drive but i choose not to"! And made me feel less of a failure!
And of course to say ( maybe on a fast day) i dont eat that today rather than i cant eat that today is more empowering coz it implies you have made a choice for yourself..a choice that your future self will thank ypu for

I didn't learn to drive till I was 35 and struggled for years on and off buses with two children, shopping and baby buggy. As I had polio in my right leg as a child I'd never even thought I'd be able to drive until someone suggested an automatic car and lightbulb moment! Never looked back and passed my test first time! :oops:
Re: I can't, or I don't?
21 Oct 2013, 07:49
Really interesting article - thanks for sharing it Annurca.

.... in fact I liked it so much I think it needs to be part of my signature :smile:
Re: I can't, or I don't?
21 Oct 2013, 14:31
I do think there is a lot of sense in this way of thinking, i can't sounds very feeble where as I don't sounds strong.
Re: I can't, or I don't?
21 Oct 2013, 18:05
I don't run much any more - but that's only because I can't...
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