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OH now spots any radio programs related to weight loss, diets etc, God Bless him ... rs/5147634

the audio is available to listen to or download

summary... as on site

Erase all stereotypes: eating disorders at any age

Often when we think of an eating disorder, we picture it happening to adolescent girls and boys. But the thing is, eating disorders can hold adults captive too - some for the first time in their lives.

Cynthia Bulik has written a new book about the unique triggers and challenges of developing an eating disorder mid-life, and why many of us – including GPs and other medical practitioners – often overlook and even demean those who develop these disorders as adults.

@Juliana.Rivers - thank you for sharing, this is a very interesting article that deals with real life situations

I know many women who speak about "binge eating" (myself included, I call it emotional eating) that is triggered by an event, sadness, an argument, a bad day at work.

It's also interesting to hear that this is going to be included in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in the US. I'm curious to see how this unfolds and what impact it will have on US Drs prescribing habits (for the most part, Drs in the US love to give meds!)
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