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MaryAnn wrote: I'm naturally a lowish carber. I don't love bread, pasta, rice etc. My biggest problem is sugar - I do love sweets occasionally, or sometimes more than occasionally! I refuse to believe that eating vegetables and whole grains is bad for you, in general. I did lose a lot of weight on a very low carb diet once, and found it completely unsustainable. This sort of surprised me since I'm not a big carb eater anyway. But too much denial turned out to be a bad thing for me.

This could be ME - exactly what happened to me some years ago and my thoughts about vegetables and whole grains. I would have to add wine to my list of "problems."
In the end our "ideal" diet is what works for us (in terms of both health and enjoyment) and what we can sustain. I am not sure that the choice between good health and how many carbs we eat is so cut and dried, except in extreme cases. It is about determining what is important to us (in life) and finding the balance.
Sassy1 wrote: In the end our "ideal" diet is what works for us (in terms of both health and enjoyment) and what we can sustain. I am not sure that the choice between good health and how many carbs we eat is so cut and dried, except in extreme cases. It is about determining what is important to us (in life) and finding the balance.

:like: I whole heartedly agree. I would not want to live without carbs even refined ones - moderation, moderation, moderation.
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