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Free for a short period:

:arrow: Do double-check the price before buying!

The Fast Diet Recipe Book: Healthy Weight Loss and Low Calorie Fast Diet Recipes (Intermittent Fasting Diet)
by Gillian Hyman

Edited to remove the links to Amazon, as a forum member objected to them.

PS: The other recipe book mentioned yesterday is still free today...
I'm intrigued, what does the bit at the end of the links do - ref=sr_il_1_28 ref=sr_1_1 etc - as you can link without it eg ... 00BY1HZ98/
No idea.

None of your previous comments has been positive and your disapproval of my posts has already been noted.

Please, do not suggest or hint I'm trying to gain anything by posting links to these free books.
I am simply trying to alert other forum users to Amazon offers.
I gain nothing from doing this.
I only recall commenting on a typo previously. Maybe the appendage arises when you use a particular means of accessing Amazon or are logged in or something.

My interest is that Moogle does have a link benefit scheme for the site and it would be good to use that if it's practical.
I have not tried to insert Moogie's link, as

1) I don't know how to insert it in a link.
2) I have no idea if it would work for Amazon links outside the UK.

All links to Amazon have now been removed from my posts and future posts to free books will not include Amazon links, to avoid any suggestion of impropriety.
Forum users will simply have to find the books for themselves.
PhilT wrote: I'm intrigued, what does the bit at the end of the links do - ref=sr_il_1_28 ref=sr_1_1 etc - as you can link without it eg ... 00BY1HZ98/

After recreating my usual search several times, I believe the coding you mention is added by Amazon after an item is selected from a page offering a list of items.
I usually search Amazon Kindle books by author on (when I am logged in), then select a free item from books listed by Amazon as a match.
I then copy & paste the title on Amazon UK and Amazon US to create the links I post on this forum.

Does that help answer your question?
Thanks for the heads up! Will download this book in a mo!
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