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:arrow: This Kindle book is free for a short period only.. Do double-check the price before buying!

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Intermittent Fasting for Healthy Weight Loss
by Kitty Browne

Amazon description:
"Intermittent Fasting for Healthy Weight Loss" is your essential introduction to the way you should be consuming food.

Intermittent fasting is a return to our primal roots, embracing the way our body is designed to store and burn fat instead of fighting against nature.
Our minds and our culture may have evolved by leaps and bounds beyond our caveman ancestors, but our digestive systems are not so different.

This book will arm you with the knowledge you'll need to begin your journey. Weight loss, lower blood pressure, increased vitality and longer lifespan are just a few of the many benefits that wait for you on the exciting road ahead!

Disclaimer: Please note I have no link with either Amazon, the book or the author.
Many thanks for the tip! I have done this before but got out of the habit so this book will get me started again. :smile:
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