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Useful list of Calorie values?
11 Aug 2014, 14:41
Since I started 5:2 21 months ago I have had a piece of paper in the book where I write down my calories on a fasting day with calorie values of foods I commonly use on fasting days. As you can imagine it has become pretty tatty and as the entries are random I spend quite a lot of time looking for things that I know are there. Today I have typed them all out and put them in categories and vague alphabetic order. These are mostly values that I have looked up in a little calorie book I have or on the internet. There can be quite a lot of variation in values given so these are a rough guide but using them I have managed to slowly lose weight. I am sharing the list in case it is of use to anyone

Aubergine 18/ 120 g
Asparagus 26/100g
Broccoli 24/100g
Butternut squash 50/100g raw, 40/100g baked
Beans 22/100g
Runner beans 18 /100g
Celeriac , boiled 15/100g, raw 42/100g
Carrots 14/100g
Cauliflower 28/100g
Cauliflower and broccoli mix 26/100g
Courgettes 19 /100g
Cabbage 22 /100g
Curly Kale 28/100g
Celery 3/stick
Fennel raw 31/100g, cooked 11/100g
Leeks 21 /100g
Mange tout 32/100g
Mushrooms 13/100g
New potatoes ,boiled in skin,66/100g
Onion 30 /100g
Green 15/100g
Red 32/100g
Yellow 26/100g
Peppers (frozen) 28/ 100g
Red onion 37 /100g
Sweet potato , baked, 105/113g, Raw 86/100g
Sprouts 35/100g
Spring Greens boiled 20/100g
Sugar snap peas 40/100g
Spinach ,cooked, 23/100g
Tomato 19/100g
Watercress 12/100g

Raspberries 25/100g
Strawberries 27/100g
Blueberries 57/100g
Melon (flesh only) 24/100g

Baked Salmon 140/100g
Baked haddock 128/100g
Baked Cod 122/100g

Lean pork medallion ,raw 115/100g
Pork tenderloin , cooked 150/100g
Chicken breast, raw 114/100g
Chicken thigh 107
Chicken drumstick 78
Turkey breast, grilled 150/100g, raw 105/100g
Lean lamb, raw 190/100g
Gammon lean raw 161/100g, grilled 125/100g

Barley 35cals/10g
Butter 34cal/teaspoon
Cornflour 10cal/ teaspoon
Laughing cow light 25cal/ triangle
Marmite 10cal/ teaspoon
Oats 356/ 100g
Oxo cube 14
Olive oil 42 cals/teaspoon
Quinoa 360/100g
Rich tea biscuit 35 cals
Rice ,basmati dry 348/100g
Rice cooked 95cals/60g
Thanks@Lil, very useful to have such a handy list with a sensible portion size and calorific value.
Thanks. Very useful.
Thanks Lil for going to the trouble of organising yr list and typing it out for us
Will keep a copy of it to refer to! X
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