The FastDay Forum

Suggestion Box

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I had an email this evening which got me thinking, so many thanks to the user who sent me it!

With the forums growing as they are and the community becoming more and more international, I may need to look at installing some additional language packs for those who don't know English as well as adding extra discussion forums for other language users.

This would of course require moderators who know these languages well enough to approve posts from non-English speaking users and also to keep an eye on the content of the posts in these other language forums.

There are lots of extra language packs for phpBB so most shouldn't be a problem, although there may be a few lines here and there that will need translating for the forum add-ons (otherwise these will default back to displaying English).

If demand is great I can also look at spending some time adjusting the tracker to work in different languages, as well as the new recipe section. Again, these would require some assistance for translation.

So, this topic is here primarily to judge the interest/need for extra language support here at the forums. Feel free to post your opinions and requests!

...and now, back to working on the recipes section :)
Hello Moogie,

I think it is a good idea which will increase users and posts ( and statistics!) on this site.
I can help you with Dutch but I guess that will not be the most requested language :-)

Thanks Sandy, if we get some requests for a Dutch language pack I'll let you know :D (my dear old dad could also help with translation on that, being a Nederlander himself :))
I can help with Swedish but, again, highly unlikely to be requested! Both the Dutch and the Swedes speak excellent English!
I can help with French...
Thanks folks :) Wow, you know Swedish Caro? What's your connection there if you don't mind my asking? My dad was born there but raised in the Netherlands, so I have a bit of a Swedish connection but no knowledge of the language at all.

Guess we'll wait and see if anyone requests other languages!
I may be a science geek but my degree is actually in Spanish and French, so I may be able to help out...
Moogie wrote: Thanks folks :) Wow, you know Swedish Caro? What's your connection there if you don't mind my asking? My dad was born there but raised in the Netherlands, so I have a bit of a Swedish connection but no knowledge of the language at all.

Guess we'll wait and see if anyone requests other languages!

OH is half Swedish and we have a family summer house out in the Stockholm archipelago where we go for several weeks each summer. I learned Swedish from a linguaphone course many years ago and try to keep my hand in. I'm far from fluent but perhaps up to an A* GCSE level (if they had them in Swedish!) I would hope!
I can help with Spanish:)
I can help with German. Generally most people under a certain age speak or understand English quite well in Germany, but posting may be a problem as well as following scientific explanations. Another thought: This WOL is to be recommended for all ages, and I think those who went to school before English became mandatory may tend to struggle with English - it would be a shame if some gave up or didn't even start because of lacking support. Could this also be true for Dutch and Swedish?
By the way, what an excellent, friendly and supportive forum!!!

I am Dutch, but living in Australia. I agree that most Dutch people who join will have a reasonable knowledge of English.Can help if needed.
Could be rare, but I can help with the Canadian eh! We could talk about Timmy's and staying away from the double double :grin:
I can help with Hebrew if needed ( probably not so much)
Not quite an additional language but is there a link to abbreviations used in the forum? I'm new to posting and get a bit lost in some people's conversations! I've worked out WOE and WOL but there are several more
I think you need this thread from the stickys in the FAQ section.


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