The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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New bloodvalues are in showing results after 13 months fasting (see table). 3 month on strickt 5:2 (consecutive days) took me to goal. After that, 10 month in maintenance with larger periods of no fasting (between January 2014 and March 2014) and occasional fasting after that (on average one day per 2 weeks). First results are mean values of 3 measurements before fasting. Second after 1 month 5:2, third after 3 months (reaching goal and right after 2 days of consecutive fasting). Last column is from last week (2 days after my last fast which was after a 3 week fasting holiday, meaning no fasting). Basically the effects seem to be lasting for most markers, even after a period of low intensity fasting during maintenance. Only LDL is rising, but so is HDL, leaving the ratio the same as after 3 months of fasting.
Interesting question is whether the results are due to fasting or to the weight loss as such (12 kg), but as the weight loss is the result of fasting also, to me that's more of an academic question :smile:
All in all I would say the results are satisfactory (at least to me).
Bloodvalues.jpg (14 KiB) Viewed 724 times
Aside from the great numbers for you & their positive implications, the are very motivating! Thanks for sharing!.
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