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Fasting for your brain
06 Jan 2016, 16:55
Challenge your brain cells with a short fast, suggests Mark Mattson​, chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging and a professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Going 16 hours or so without food could benefit your brain in several ways, he says. ... ign=buffer
Re: Fasting for your brain
06 Jan 2016, 19:50
Thanks for the link, galexinda! It is so encouraging to read scientific information that is indicating we are on the right track!
Re: Fasting for your brain
07 Jan 2016, 04:14
I really like what they say about fasting and making the brain work better.
And I am also off to buy more blueberries! :eat: The article says:
"Brain scans with functional MRI imaging can show a difference in brain function as people eat blueberries. The reason: "We think it's polyphenol phytonutrients," Greger says. "These are special antioxidant pigments, like the natural blue and purple pigments in berries, that actually cross the blood-brain barrier."

Foods, beverages and extracts with similar pigments – such as pomegranates and grape juice – are also being studied for potential brain benefits.

Not fond of berries? Brightly colored cabbage also has the same brain-healthy phytonutrients, Greger says. "The cheapest, more available and most convenient source of the compound is purple and red cabbage, such as in coleslaw," he says. "It lasts for a week in the fridge. It makes a nice, delightful crunch, and with color as an addition to any meal." Cabbage, he says, "has the most antioxidants per dollar, beating out things like acai berries and quote-unquote superfoods." "
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