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The 5:2 Lab

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Thanks for that, Caroline - it appears I have a minimal risk of dying. Good to know...
I lost a lot from around my waistline to begin with, but now it goes in fits and starts.....flat-lining for a while before dipping again. I seem to be losing weight more from my stomach than anywhere else right now....not complaining though! However it's not reducing my BMI that much, because the waistline is not decreasing that much, but the weight is going. I think it would be a very complicated algorithm to predict a model which fitted perfectly for every person. I am an apple turning into a cylinder right now! :bugeyes:
Thanks, Caroline I'll check it out! And Auriga, I think I'm an "apple-in-hiding" - I'm pretty broad across the shoulders, but not much bum ( oh dear am I allowed to say THAT, Moogie?) . Then there's the ectomorph/mesomorph/endomorph thing - not sure if that has any relevance these days?

Goodness, haven't done so much pondering of things geometric for a long time! It feels kind of a relief, actually, from the general body hatred that goes on in some circles, another way of thinking about the crazy & miraculous thing that is my body!
Well @jools7 I am so relieved to hear of someone else chasing that 50% waist/height dream. I admit to being baffeled how some with a higher BMI could have the little waists...and I still have so far to go! Somedays I'm tempted to take a deep inhale and measure but know I would only be cheating myself. One odd thing though, while I didn't lose the weight in December, my waist finally toook a little dip. The final goal still seems unattainable though:(
Jools, interesting topic you have posted. All through my life regardless of size I have had a small waist relative to a large bottom. When I started this way of life I thought I would keep the basic small waist relative to large bottom shape. What I have found is that my waist has shrunk but so has my bottom. All my skirts are becoming saggy around my bottom, hips and thighs. I am finding that my lower half that used to be very much resistant to change when losing weight has been "whipped" into shape through fasting.

It is through fasting that I have seen results as I am in a situation where I can't exercise much because of a condition that I am suffering. I can go for a walk but I admit I don't walk much for exercise (I don't drive so I am on my feet quite a bit). So overall my exercise is about the same or a bit less since fasting.

My shape has changed so much that I am now looking at wearing straight skirts because they look nice. I used to be an A-line skirt wearer because with my bottom I didn't have much choice as they were the only skirts that looked nice on me.
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